I’ll probably give the show a try, but uncheerforable characters aren’t something I fill my free time with since so much of my work time has IRL uncheerforable people.
I’ll probably give the show a try, but uncheerforable characters aren’t something I fill my free time with since so much of my work time has IRL uncheerforable people.
“It’s been amazing for them” sounds like the kind of concrete statistical statement you learn at Trump University.
Cool. Thats what I thought, but then I remembered there being some debate about Ted Cruz’s status so I got myself confused.
Because if one or several of the charges end up overturned (or lessened) on appeal he’s still got the rest hanging around his neck like a noose. I.E. in a hypothetical scenario where someone is sentenced to 3 consecutive life sentences, if for some reason 2 of those end up overturned there’d still be 1 life sentence…
“Your decision to assault was calculated, precise, devious, despicable,” Aquilina said. “You played on everyone’s vulnerability. I’m not vulnerable.=
I hope medical advances keep him alive to serve each and every year he’s sentenced to.
I am totally Team Tammy in 2020.
Milquetoast: A word that looks and sounds like so much more than it is.
Not far enough away.
Generally speaking, having more educated leaders is better for us than having less educated ones. There are plenty of well educated jerks who are terrible leaders and poorly educated menches who lead organizations with aplomb so education alone does not do it for me. But I want my president to be well-studied and have…
Ooooh, Duckworth used to be my congressperson and I didn’t know she had a PhD! I’m a worthless pedant over-educated elitist, so I like this.
Harris is my senator and one of my best friends knows her quite well. I want her to continue to be my senator and Duckworth to be my president (because a Duckworth-Harris ticket is too much to ask for).
I was planning on posting that. She’s got it all - she’s a D.A.R. and the daughter of an immigrant. She’s multilingual. She’s a vet. She understands life as a disabled person and a woman of color. She’s super educated - BA, MA, PhD. She’s a badass and I want her to be my president.
Tyrannosaurus Sex
I became disabled as an adult, almost four years ago. I supported the Americans with Disabilities Act before I became disabled because we should live in a society where someone shouldn’t be denied the chance to succeed because there aren’t curb cuts. But now that I am disabled, I understand the need for the ADA and…
It’s a helluva filibuster.
Gotta think she’d be better off in a hospital or at home with a midwife, but if she wants to give birth birth right on the Senate floor, who am I to stop her?
Unlucky with otherworldly demonspawn - Lucky in love!
As a victim of abuse, I can tell you it is taxing every day of my life. It is hell. If he wants sympathy, let the devil provide it when he lands in hell. This monster should have to hear the victim impact audio on loop replay in his cell every minute of every day for the rest of his life.