
An attack/disquisition about immigration would be my guess.

Nothing better to deflect the nation than a new conflict. Remember when he had that airfield bombed and that dominated the news for a few days?

Full out mutiny from the GOP may not be likely, but Pence finding enough cabinet members to declare Trump unfit should he try to preemptively strike NK, odds are better.

To impeach Trump, they’re gonna need some serious evidence that he PERSONALLY coordinated with Russian agents to tamper with the election. Surely Trump has an Oliver North on his staff willing to take the blame, for the promise of a comfortable post-prison retirement.

Just in case you needed another reason to hate Paul Ryan & his lackeys...

Those yahoos do not know what they are missing. It fits right in with the devastatingly acute theory I saw discussed on Rachel Maddow about the current failure of our government’s checks and balances: the speaker posited that the Founders assumed that the three branches of government would always have their loyalty

I’m strictly #TeamNoOne in this game.

I hope paul ryan is watching the news with unblinking eyes. He might not have the luxury of waiting for the Russian probe to conclude.

If the walls close in, it goes the same as in Watergate: the SOS tells the military to ignore any nuke orders from the president.

If you’re talking about Barbara Lee’s proposed amendment to the Defense spending bill, Paul Ryan stripped it from the bill, ugh:

Lots of hawks like to treat NK/Kim like a rabid dog, but as one of the quotes in the article says, he’s a rational actor and somewhat predictable. Kim is playing the cards (international and domestic) that he was dealt to try and maximize his benefit/survival. Preemptively nuking SK, Japan, the US makes no sense in

Yep, the big question is would he launch an attack on North Korea to try and derail or head off impeachment? I wouldn’t put it past him, we’ve just got to hope that should it happen there are enough competent people and checks in place to stop it.

We also would have a leader who understood the importance of careful, reserved speech. Donald is all bluster and bullying, and it looks like it’s going to get a lot of people killed.

Problem is that when the walls of Russia-gate close in, this now becomes prime psychological “Send the Nukes” narcissistic reaction territory.

I don’t blame climate change on him either. But when the world is burning I will lay it at his feet and all of the other Republicans who refused to do anything about it.

I despise Pence but, like you, I don’t see him getting us involved in a nuclear war because his feelings are tender.

Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow...

I know we can’t blame this all on Donald; if Clinton were president, NK would probably still be very close to getting missile-borne nukes. But God do I wish we had a sane person in the WH right now....

Oi. The sex traffickers have codified Madonna/Whore. Fabulous.