
I am so fucking disappointed that it’s for a movie and she doesn’t randomly recreate famous movie outfits just to make a coffee run.

A restriction on women serving will probably come after the reinstatement of DADT. We’re on the fast track to Gilead.

If this stands it means they’ll medically separate from service anyone with an F64 ICD-10 gender diagnosis in their medical record. I was a physician in the Air Force. I cannot emphasize enough the immense waste of time and money it is to medically separate an experienced, able-bodied service member against their

“If senator TubbyDucks would like to resolve this matter, he’s free to cash me ousside.”

This is one of those times I want to hear the classic non-apology, “I’m sorry if you were offended. I should have used my words better.”

Susan, Susan, Susan.....face it—-these are not your people. If you can’t face being a Democrat, team up with Angus and Bernie and be an Independent.

Single payer, not-for-profit. NOW. That’s the only acceptable replacement.

Alice Cooper’s mom needs to see if he has a random Dali print laying around, as well.

To me, it’s like, if you think this is unacceptable or would somehow offend Warhol, then clearly you don’t get Alice Cooper and Andy Warhol. This story is a perfect tribute.

I usually eye roll at stories of privilege doing stupid stuff, but I love everything about this.


Always saving the day.

So they smoked weed while drinking piss warm beer in 90 degree heat and weren’t drinking any water. Uh, yeah. This is practically a rite of passage for underage drinking. Don’t do that, because now your night’s gonna suck. Pace yourself little bro.

I used to be an ER nurse at the hospital where most of these kids are transported. This has been going on for years. The day that the summer concert schedules come out, nurses race to put in vacation time for certain shows, OR they race to sign up to work certain shifts. Dave Matthews shows were the most infamous. I

Pshht millennials. They’ve got nothing on the Dave Matthews concert in CT in the 90's. Alcohol poisoning, rioting, cars flipped over and set afire. CT goes hard ....for Dave Matthews.

Transporting 100 ETOH patients would be a nightmare, logistically. Even if you put two per ambulance, that’s 50 separate runs. Factoring in the heat, a lot of them probably needed IV hydration, which means you need a medic and not “just” an EMT (note: I’m an EMT, don’t @ me. But at least in my state, we can’t start

Oppressive heat, excessive drinking, dehydration city. Kidney stones for everyone!

It’s a really interesting question! I was thinking that whales interact with air sort of the same way we interact with water — they come into contact with it for survival’s sake, but rarely get to do more than touch it and take deep breaths of it. Maybe being in the air for them is a little like being underwater for

I love thinking these kinds of thought too about the other species we share the planet with. The whole notion of “play,” for intance. Many species obviously play, that is, engage in activities not directly related to survival, and look like they’re having “fun.” It makes me very happy that we aren’t the only ones who

I prefer “well loved.”

I wonder that about my cats sometimes too. I was teasing one of them for lying on his back on the bed like a dork, and then I noticed the fan was blowing his tummy hair back and forth and thought, “Wow, I bet that feels great.”