

I wouldn’t get your hopes up. Pete’s much younger in the film.

Feel free to include a few Amazons of color, WB.

I’m honestly not sure if it’s the explanation or my inability to conceptualize. But thanks for trying. :)

English major here. I thought the fourth dimension was time. How is the act of accessing a parallel world proof of a fourth dimension ?

GG: Never has so much hate been spewed over so little.


GREAT idea.

I don’t think it’s complicated. He’s massively popular.

man these are great

God he’s weird.

RE: Star Wars Rebels

I think the issue is that in this cynical post-modernity, nobody believes such a hero can exist. Our heroes have to be deeply flawed.

I like the season 1 suit because it has the iconic elements in the right proportions. I’m less enthusiastic about the season 2 suit. Unnecessarily tweaked.

Cool costumes, but I don’t recognize any of the characters.

I really don’t understand this particular digital phenomenon.

What a fun show. Best DC show yet.

Tell me again why they didn’t tap Lucy Lawless for Wonder Woman?


I was excited for KotFE and I enjoyed it, but once Ch. 9 was over and the same old gear grind returned, I lost interest. I probably won’t return to see how the story plays out.