
Wow. So Tesla was on to something.

lol name another franchise in which the main character is not to be found in any of the merch

I found Avatar to be a mediocre film with wonderful special effects. I couldn’t stomach a re-watch, however, given the white savior narrative that infuses it. Its biggest sin, though, is stealing the title of a much better show, Avatar: The Last Airbender. I can’t forgive it for the years of having to clarify “No, not


He should take his billions and go make something new.

twice..going at least one more time after Christmas

Nice article. Drew me in, despite my general lack of interest/knowledge.

Luke Skywalker. Where he is, what happened to him after RotJ, what he’s been up to, etc.

Or, the system worked, and Mars’ life lives on in us, following some cataclysmic Martian event billions of years ago.

Such a garbage human being.

Those eyes. Those huge, soulless eyes.

Nice mic drop.

I dunno, look how that crowd turned on the #BLM protesters at Bernie’s rally. And those were ostensibly allies. Mob behavior isn’t limited to conservatives.

I run a homebrew campaign and have never had any interest in Forgotten Realms since I started playing D&D in 1987. Sword Coast Legends is great for you Realms fans—-yay—-but for me, it looks like a waste of money. That’s a bummer, because I’m dying to throw more money at WotC for 5E products that aren’t

Two more white male protagonists! That’s entirely surprising!

Where’s the Word? It’s not Preacher if he doesn’t have the Word.

KotFE has been pretty fun. I’m enjoy the story and my Togruta Jedi sentinel (Ahsoka shout-out!).

This is great and all, but maybe finish the trilogy?

I grind my teeth, I have a mouth guard, and I almost never use it. I hate it. But now I’m going to have to stop being a big fucking baby.