
Yoda’s actually in his custom Eta 2.

They took his home his kids and his land for worthless beads? No? Then you have no idea what you are talking about.

I just ordered this game too, got a good deal at 38.99. Am I in for a treat? I do love Tomb Raider and Far Cry Primal.

My brother is on a quest to see if you can take a chicken into the final battle with Ganon, and if so, to see if you can whittle Ganon down, then trick him into striking the chicken and letting the chicken strike the final blow against him.

Chances are very high that this is gonna happen.

Darksiders 3 Darksiders 3. Must have Darksiders 3...

We posted about this years ago. That post did almost 500,000 views. They did nothing then. They can, and will, do nothing now.

*sighs deeply*

I remember the ‘Company Reports Something, Seems Pleased’ articles that used to show up on a regular basis.

Ignore the DeadpooliO guy. Or dismiss him. Literally every Kojima article with his bullshit.

what about the booty?

Yes cause they should totally uprender games, add FULL trophy support and then sell it to you for 3 bucks....Fucking entitled idiots I swear...

That’s some excellent reporting Jason.

well, I’m glad it turned out alright and Bungie get on their feet again.. I always hate to see a big developer falls or worse gone into oblivion because some executives fucked up. Here’s hoping they’ll soon get into PC someday

You’re like a record stuck on repeat. Are you a bot that just posts this image every time a League of Legends story gets posted?

Dang you took those tweets completely wrong sir, I wasn’t complaining about Rejack more like explaining the ability, maybe I should have put “lol” or a laughing emoji after it so that people know that I wasn’t serious huh?! Also, you made Von seem like he was being mean when he really wasn’t. Von and I are really good

Anyone know if the arcade skins will be free at PAX? I have them all so don’t want to miss it but PAX isn’t until a week later so don’t want to wait on it. and then miss it.

You are a great example of what is wrong with the gaming community, congratulations.

Oh dammit now that’s all I can hear!