
Fair 'nuff. Did you like The Afterman?

Hit up the Coheed merch store on merchnow, they have reprints of the Second Stage comics and you can find the In Keeping Secrets comics either there or online for pretty cheap.

Relative in that some might agree and others might not. An alien weapon that fires enemy-tracking pink needles that explode like a grenade when enough collect in the flesh of an enemy might be realistic for some, unrealistic to others.


And how long are going to have to wait until Gaikai's streaming is available?

I honestly have no idea, maybe someone else does: does ANYONE know if Playstation Plus games currently on PS3 will be downloadable for the PS4? Like Hitman: Absolution, XCOM: Enemy Unknown, Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee, etc.? I'd be sad about losing these games and the progress made on them, particularly XCOM.

God, I fucking love that show. Chris Rock writes good comedy.

It took you 48? I burned through the game in a single 10 1/2 hour all-nighter.

Use Shock Jockey on the undead. If their heads explode, she cannot revive them.

Whoa, Lost Planet 3 came out?

I'm paying $200 for my set of four badges, which isn't as bad as the folks who payed $300+, but is still bullshit.

Definitely liking the look of the new Wonder Weapon, that giant cattle-prod-looking thing they all had.

Thank you for missing the point and giving us all a laugh, sir.

The Number City video carried a mention of a tour announcement on Monday. If you like, hit me up on FB, I'm Travis Kilgannon.

Technically Nerd is harder to speak than Latin, given that Latin is a dead language and Nerd is still used in common parlance. Not as frequent as Geek mind you, but still frequent enough.

How many shows?

Glad someone here spoke nerd.

Loving your emblem, btw.

You're awesome, thank you for the tip.

I love the Jason Statham voice xD