
You, sir, get a gold Star of Sirius.

Anyone else excited to see Pewds play this shit? :D

Quite the opinion you've got there. I'm a huge fan of all three games, and believe the hate directed towards DS3 is a bit nonsensical tbh. It's different, sure, but that doesn't mean at all that it was a BAD game just because of the differences therein.

The fuck happened to the Purchase Brothers and 'Escape from City 17'? Or 'What's In The Box?' for that matter!?

Christ, people will seriously bitch about anything. *beats my head against the desk*

Someone's got a bit of a bug up their ass, jeez.

*drops Game Informer on the bed* The shit hits the fan.

Fuck you, Pixar. *cries manly tears*

I loved that game, and I'm pissed that it won't continue.

Wasn't that the ENTIRE point of Shootmania Storm? That's how they more-or-less advertised it at PAX Prime last year.

It's not actually that bad, imo.

What if the game title went there, leaving the cover art pristine (for the most part)?

I would.

Your reply made me laugh. But (no pun intended) I would.

Why is there a close up of Gordon's ass?