1. A comment was made about how useless Dany was this season, except for the burning of the slavers and such.
Not at all. But, since this is Game of Boners (not Game of Thrones recap on I09), I'm making comments on boobs and sex.
Dany was kind of boring this season (and in the books as well). She's pretty boring through most of Dance with Dragons, too, though. At least they could have thrown in a Daario sex scene or that time when one of her "female attendants" caught Dany masturbating in the bed next to her and helped finish her off. I…
I think I'm gonna join this cause because someone with blue hair is involved and that's EDGY.
I do not wear these types of shoes because I'm an Amazon and I am clumsy (and ouchies to the feet!) but hell, these are awesome!
When it's a sea of pink, I have an issue with that, yes. If you want to read dissonance in that, go for it.
Girls can like what they like. Pink, blue, etc. But, they're pretty much conditioned from birth to accept that pink = girls and blue = girls. Walking into a Babies R Us and you can find 2 (maybe 3) racks of gender-neutral colors. Even though I teach my daughter that boys and girls can pick whatever colors they…
My girl loves the princess stuff, too, but every time I walk into Walmart, it's like Liberaci puked up a bunch of fringe and frilly bullshit. And it's all in pink. Blehhh!
My 5-year-old daughter LOVES the superhero LEGO sets (Batman, Ironman, etc.). She builds super cars and rockets with the "generic" pieces. She also likes the girlie versions with the pink pieces (cafe/pools and such). Girls can dig LEGOS. Yet whenever we get our monthly LEGO magazine, only boys are sending their…
I think studios are afraid to let a female superhero have her "dark, gritty" story. OMG, we can't show a woman being brutal or wrestling with manfolk decisions of life and death.
20 years ago, I'd pick up a Cosmo NOT because of the models on the front but because I saw a headline that grabbed my attention. Same with Glamour. Now, you see Kim Kardashian and think, "Hellz no!" You don't even notice the content anymore.
You're right. Robb didn't want to rub Frey's wounds with salt (so to say). I don't recall what they said happened to her, though.
Thank you for relaying this in a thoughtful manner. People just aren't getting this. Or, they ARE getting it and choosing to ignore it because, hey! People who care about what goes into their bodies are all "old hippies and idiot 20-somethings."
Is Michael Lohan considered a troll? If so, Samantha R. should not be feeding him.
I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that people actually watch this show. Still.