Boy, imagine how people felt that didn’t get into Destiny...
Boy, imagine how people felt that didn’t get into Destiny...
I think the system would be almost perfect if they just LASTED LONGER. Everything else about the system is just fine but yeah, I hold onto power weapons afraid to even use them cuz I know 10 swings later it’ll be toast... Permanently :(
Ok yeah so, the marketing was bad and the reveal was handled poorly - but can we *please* kill this meme that no one could tell whether or not it was a new system or just an accessory? Literally not one single person I know was confused by that. Everyone who frequented any gaming site at all was well-informed as to…
“ he’d have to explain why being a socialist wasn’t what 75% of the voting populace seems to think it means.”
He did this. Repeatedly. At nearly every rally. In nearly every interview. He gave an entire speech dedicated to what the term means to him and how it relates to his policies.
Thanks for being person #34,766,923…
Yo, you might wanna clue people in as to what a 3-(3)-5 triple play even means. For being something so historic, you seem to assume everyone knows what the hell that means :)
I so agree with the feminist ideology and message and goals, but sometimes feminists can suffer from serious blindspots about human nature and reality. Everything Badu said is 100% true. That doesn’t make it the teenagers “fault”, it’s simply acknowledging the (100% true) fact that nearly ALL hetero men have a natural…
“For me, the original was a unique experience in its day and worth playing, but it aged horribly.”
....”I never played any of the sequel Gears games.”
To be fair though, Gears 3 campaign was pretty weak. My buddy and I played through all 4 games co-op style and are huge fans, but we found Gears 3 campaign to be nonsensical and utterly forgettable.
How much yo wanna bet that it’s all because Disney saw the insane profits of a Xmas release and wants to try to reproduce it? Every major top box office film comes out at christmas, not in the Summer, and they know it.
Lame that the fans get screwed so they can make a few more millions :/
Aw man :( I spent a bunch of time on mine and didn’t even crack the top 10?
I’m certain it was 800 px wide... hmm...
Oh well, I guess all it takes is Shkreli’s face.
Dammit, wtf? Accidentally posted as a reply to cecil_banon, and now can’t delete? Derp.
Something kinda suspicious about this though... look how far he’s getting in each “minute” of time... it’s about 20 feet of game world. Go ahead, watch those minutes tick by and see how far he gets in each one. The main character must walk at the speed of heinz ketchup to only cover that much ground in an entire…
I still can’t stand it. The UI is one of the worst I’ve ever used on any system.
Navigating to the most basic functions is a nightmare. Getting into settings, notifications, apps you name it - it’s a friggin nightmare. All because they wanted to base it on windows 8 and the ugly-ass tile system.
Every time I think maybe…
Gotta agree with others here - this was AWESOME except for that terrible acting by Chobot. Maybe it was the best they could do, but she went for the universally despised take on Samus, the nervous, heavy-breathing, wide-eyed, out of her depth version... CAN WE GET A BADASS SAMUS YET?!
Because I would definitely watch a…
What I like is how you can’t see the bat all.... in the gifs in the article.
We’ll take your word for it, though!
Whoa whoa whoa.... I was 100% with you, as my Xbox One does indeed suck balls - until that last line about the PS4 sucking just as badly... I’ve had both consoles since launch day and can assure you that the PS4 is a majestic gift from the heavens compared to the XB1. It’s a thousand times easier to navigate, update,…
For *what* exactly? Garbage graphics, terrible textures?
I can’t even fathom that nonsense.
Ok, I feel better about it then, lol. At least it makes some sort of sense.