Not going to lie - ‘Meow the Jewels’ might just be the worst album name of the year.
Not going to lie - ‘Meow the Jewels’ might just be the worst album name of the year.
So that’s great that you wrote an epically long essay arguing for more war machines, and having been “proven right”, but you’re basing this being proven right on.... what exactly? The fact that China few TWO jets around recently? And some quotes from other military brass who also want more F-22’s?
Wow. I love all the…
Word to your mother, home boy.
I recall hearing something somewhere about a ‘PC Master Race’...
Nintendo E3 - 2015
New Zelda: Not what fans hoped for.
New Metroid: Not what fans hoped for.
New Star Fox: Not what fans hoped for.
But hold up, what’s this? YASSS - New Mario Tennis!!!?!?
Oh wait, literally no one cares.
Sigh....goddamnit, Nintendo.
Yup, said it before, I’ll say it again - why does ANYONE still take this joke of a game seriously? It’s boring, repetitive, and has become a total mockery of what gaming should be.
Enjoy your Redbull and your LOLBONUSXP.
Hahaha same here, except I’ve never played ANY games on it, and I got it at launch! PS4 just had everything I wanted game-wise, so I really hope when I finally put a disc in that it actually works, lol.
To me, honestly, it just feels like artificial hype, artificially kept alive - either through money being pumped toward certain game journalists or something.
Also, you're commenting on a 3+ year old article. Just fyi
Is it obvious? Because I most certainly did. I learned the fps ropes from doom and quake. And though the feel was a little different, it was still a great game. I mean shit, you go to hell at the end and battle Satan so... Yeah... Pretty doom-y.
Yup, yesterday was a marathon bloodborne day for me, occasionally suspending but never closing the game. I was at Micolash, who kept killing me with that damn cosmos attack (which is BS btw) and then suddenly I got back to him for the 8th time or so and sure enough, he was suddenly retarded - he wanted to have a bar…
What kind of logic is that? Two people racing each other does not equate to being the fastest racer ever. The competition was between two people, not with the world record.
The best GTA V clip was on the last highlight reel when that large woman got carjacked and immediately splattered down the road by another vehicle. I had to watch that several times. So shocking and unexpected, lol.
Wow, you truly have the dumbest, most backward philosophy ever.
I'm glad it works great in your fictionalized version of the world that exists inside your head - but now take it and extrapolate it out into THE ACTUAL WORLD and tell me just how that would work. Like, at all.
Your world would look something like this...
Great , so you have one extreme stretch of an Obama quote to back up your position. But mysteriously, you seem to be dodging like Neo in The Matrix anyone who asks you: "Do you believe all laws are unjust 'threats of violence' and should not exist?"
I mean, do you believe all taxes are theft? I see you failing to…
Really now - you're calling "laws"...."threats of violence".
You really should just stop there and go immediately back to school. Or maybe to bed.
Oh dear god...going to check my email now....I preordered through Best Buy!
Ugh, why oh why do people keep feeling compelled to make this same pointless argument? "Smash is party game why take so serious?!?"
Look, for the umpteenth time, it can be played in almost infinite ways. You can turn items OFF if you want, and indeed 'For Glory' mode - created by Nintendo - operates that way, no items,…
Keep the Smash articles comin'!
Suuuuuuch a great game!
Very cool, I never saw part 3, so I think I'll check this out!