Can someone explain what was going on in that CS:GO clip with the guys firing their guns? Was that some infinite ammo trick, or....? What were they doing that was so funny?
Can someone explain what was going on in that CS:GO clip with the guys firing their guns? Was that some infinite ammo trick, or....? What were they doing that was so funny?
Haha no offense, really. It's more the color combinations and glowing effects.
But it's really cool. Props!
Wow, looks a little girly, but I'm diggin it!
I dunno, I heard all the terrible things, then went and saw it with several friends and....we all kinda enjoyed it?! I'm not sure what people were expecting but it got a lot of that 'Michael Bay' hate rubbed off on it, I think.
lol @ "plants no longer requiring light" :D
Dude, I'm right there with you. It's become unbearable. Guy used to be good though, his older ones were entertaining and informative.
And then these women will turn around and wonder aloud why men only care about their looks. Ugh.
Feminists - if you truly believe in your cause, THIS is the kind of shit you need to be going after, and hard.
Actually, no. They go into depth discussing "how it works" or "why it works" or the various implications of it working, but nowhere do they simply state "in order to pull this tricky move off, do this _____________"
Haha, I will give you that.
They used to be. If you've been watching these for quite some time, you'd notice the evolution from semi-realistic to just....terrible. He's just not nearly funny enough to pull off the videos as comedy alone.
I've been watching these videos for years, hotshot. Check the comments first before you spout off.
Dude, they've been making these videos for years now, and getting progressively worse to the point of being unwatchable. That's worth noting, I'd say.
Agreed. Pointing out continuity errors, plot holes, and general things that made no sense was far more interesting.
I'm kinda over the Movie Sin videos... they're a bit tedious and the narrator's voice just grates on me now. He speaks in such a "I'm so clever and snarky" tone and randomly applies "sins" when they aren't even warranted. "April Oneil isn't a pornstar in this scene" DING!
Ugh. Whatever.
So, this whole article on it, and no mention of HOW to pull it off? That's a bit weird..
Yes! Snagged it!
Exactly, but if it's not popular, then outlets everywhere will insist that it was "bad", like Kotaku has just done here. I hate it how everyone wants to look cool by trashing things - such an annoying psychological condition people fall in to. Watchmen the graphic novel AND the movie were both excellent.
We both know that there is no 'official' agreed-upon definition, but I would generally consider a game an RPG if it's an in-depth, story-driven adventure game, built upon exploring a vast world, filling out a large map with many different lands, filled with a wide array of characters, NPCs, environments, with a lot of…
By your description, Call of Duty is now an RPG. nnnnnope.