Weird. *shrug*
Weird. *shrug*
Sorry, that wasn't my intention. I just feel that the hype train that brought this game to us all has skewered some people's minds a bit, desperately wanting to justify that $60 (or more) purchase. There are so many FANTASTIC other games out there that don't get 1/20th the level of coverage that Destiny gets, and it…
Fair enough, thanks for the thoughtful reply. I can see what you're saying.
Yeah well a lot of people are asking that very question in regards to Destiny.
Hah, you're kinda right - he rushes his sentences and the words sort of run into each other in a hurried, somewhat slurred way.
I hear ya. I had a lot of fun with it until the light/level cap at lvl 20. After that, the prospect of playing the same raids and stuff over and over held no appeal at all, but if others truly think it's fun, well.......alriiiiiight *skeptical sideways glace*
Why can't it be both?
Nevermind, it *is* both. It's your "fun party game" thathappens to have incredible levels of depth, requiring tremendous skill, adaptability, creativity, and usage of mindgames.
Think of chess. Do you hear anyone complaining about "why can't people just let chess be a fun, time-killer between…
You know what???
....That actually kinda makes sense. I appreciate your explanation, and can sort of see that. I don't do it or have that impulse myself, but I can sort of see how it makes sense.
Really? You go back and play the same levels/caves/missions over and over? And over and over and over? Just because "it's fun"?
Nah, don't think so man.
Also, Destiny isn't an RPG.
True that, and there's a system perfectly suites to asymmetrical gameplay as well.... the muthaflippin Wii U, son!
Let he with the gamepad be Jason, the rest of the oversexed teens can be controlled with gamecube, wiimote, whatever. It'd be pretty dope!
Bruh, this is one small paragraph and a photo. Pretty sure he didn't slap this together and call it a day. Give the man some credit.
At the risk of further Destiny-obssessed fanboys raining flames upon me - *ahem*...... WHY ARE YOU PEOPLE STILL PLAYING THIS DAMN GAME?
You wanna run the same raid *yet again*?! For the 20th time? Why? Show me one other game where you play the same levels over and over, fighting the same enemies over and over,…
Yup - nailed it! Smash Bros fanatic since Smash 64, favorite fighting franchise since the late 90's all through 3ds and Wii U, but you totally got me pegged, bro.
Yeah, and the question was specifically about smashing, but using it for Fairs, Dairs etc is certainly legitimate. Being able to jump forward and easily perform a Bair is rather awesome.
True dat.
I simply told you how my group of friends view the C-stick, and that none of us use it. How that translates to me "not having a clue what I'm talking about" is beyond me. I'm not a competitive tournament smash player, so I couldn't care less what quotes you dig up. I offered my opinion, a-hole.
Wow, I hadn't realized that. Interesting!
Direction+A 100% of the time. If you start using the C-stick out of habit, you'll deny yourself the chance to 'charge' your smashes which do a lot more damage and also serve to delay them, which is very handy if say, you go to down-smash someone and they roll through you, you can simply hold off on delivering the…
I read it in a different, yet equally confusing way. It's a jacked up mangling of English. Perhaps intentionally/humorously? Dunno.
Nor does it have a "lid" or "hinges". It doesn't match the description in the grimoire card at all, actually.