
Sorry, but this is just... kinda dumb.
Hurr-durr I teleported to the very end of the game, new world record!!1!
As a purely technical achievement, sure. But that makes it no different from say, finding a glitch that instantly goes to the end credits, NEW WORLD RECORD! Like, who actually cares - from a gamer’s

Gonna let y’all in on a little secret.
Don’t tell anyone.
The best starting word is........
Gets all the vowels except E out of the way, which is necessary for ensuring victory.
The, simply follow up with whatever word uses an E combined with the clues you got from AUDIO.
It’s failproof.
You’re welcome.

For myself, I’d say the opening three tracks on Tool’s ‘Aenima’, which were all huge hits and amazing songs: Stinkfist, Eulogy, and H.

This song is incredible. One of my favorite from PTH, right behind Dunsel from Scurrilous. Great stuff.

There it is, the most ignorant comment I’ll see all day.

Hahah anyone who tries the “Nazis are SOCIALISTS” line immediately exposes their lack of understanding of both history, and the word “socialism”... Nazis were anything BUT Socialists. Just because they used the word for their stupid party name - doesn’t mean they were socialists, or that their views in any way have

Jesus, this is some closed-minded, racist-ass garbage. Is this what qualifies for journalism at The Root? First time here, so forgive me. Was expecting a thoughtful, intelligent piece, but got wave after wave of cynical, bitter, racist nonsense. I mean, you really don’t think there are millions of “white people”

Not that you’re wrong overall in your take on this track - but... did you really even listen to it? The sound in the background is clearly Eminem struggling to write rhymes, getting frustrated and crumpling the paper up to toss it in the trash.
But dear god, that ending. “Bitch I wrote Stan!”
Cringe +200

What the hell is this crap? This is pure, racist garbage under the disguise of “clever, witty, poignant observation” but it is 100% counterproductive to solving or even addressing racial issues.
Every horseshit article like this that gives you a self-satisfied feeling of “sticking it to white people” is only

Huh. Looks like a basic ‘curves’ adjustment more than anything else.

I don’t understand the love for this movie. Perhaps the graphic novel is great, I don’t know. But I recently watched this for the first time, and absent all the nostalgia, I thought it was terrible. Seriously, watching this movie objectively with no expectations - it just sucks. The pacing, the narrative, the abrupt

I don’t understand the love for this movie. Perhaps the graphic novel is great, I don’t know. But I recently watched

I’m failing to see what she did wrong here, other than it taking her as long as it did for her to see it. Can ANYONE speak about these issues these days without “catching heat” from media outlets far and wide, or the (ugh) “Twittersphere”?

It could just as easily be a joke name his friends came up with, seeing as his actual name is hidden within the word: SPhInCtER

I was excited for the first Destiny, but it was such a letdown. I don’t care much for the pvp stuff, so I’ll be ducking out of the franchise if it’s going to be this similar to the first one.

I grew up in the Pacific Northwest and have always been familiar with this gesture. Doesn’t everyone know it means “eff you”? I had to laugh at it meaning that in Italy and parts of Europe. Hah!

This post wins all the stars. Congratulations. The best thing I’ve read all day.
More of this please.

So... all of the previous call of duty games taking place in WW2 are to be ignored now, and yet another WW2 rehash is the primary TITLE of the new game? What do you get when you rehash a rehash of a rehash? Call of Duty.

Oh piss right off with that BS. Don’t think for a second that people can’t see the utter nonsense logic you’re pushing with that. You know who lost HRCs campaign? Hillary did. She didn’t bother campaigning in the Midwest. She didn’t step foot in Wisconsin during the general. She made no effort whatsoever to campaign

Sure, except it clearly wasn’t a new game. Did you see even a single picture of it? Hear anyone talk about it? Read a single article? Nintendo did a poor marketing job, but anyone who just thought it was an add on or something was paying below even the bare minimum amount of attention. So yeah, it’s on them for being

The irony here is getting too thick to handle. You’re bothered that someone would defend a game against or get upset by an obvious troll - yet you then proceed to get way, WAY more upset at that person, which utterly invalidates the point you were supposedly trying to make.
How DARE someone waste their short time on