
I've had this happen a few times to me as well, and it really is heart-warming to know that a game exists that has such a fanbase that would do this sort of thing. Great, classy people. Or, alternately, people who want a challenging game, an actual match of skill and wit - and are concerned about more than "the win".

Except that the essay is ABOUT "them". If you're a good white person, then it's about you, too. That's the point of the whole thing.

Ugh, this all drives me nuts. The vast majority of white people are trying to "good white people", and do everything they can to make life easier/better for POC. But it's like black people don't *want* white folks to be good or helpful or whatever. It's like it makes it more difficult for them to express their anger

Well, to be honest I do still win most of the time, but he continually catches me off guard by being much more aggressive and deadly in his attacks than the usual cpu opponent. It's cool too, he's more like what *would* be a.... Level 20 or so cpu player? He does not mess around when it comes to killing, lol. I just

Just check out this earlier Kotaku article, and the accompanying comments. Once you actually plug the thing into Smash Bros and level it up and watch it learn from you and grow and evolve, then begin kicking ass - you'll feel that twinge of pride in the little guy (or girl). It's awesome.

Can I be real with y'all?

Destiny was a mild bit of fun that I got pretty in to for a couple weeks when it released. Once I hit level 20 and it switched to this "light/armor" levelling system, the game got *super extra mega BORING* and I can't for the life of me figure out what the appeal is beyond the end of the game.

I love it! I was actually skeptical at first that my Link Amiibo would *truly* learn from my training techniques, but those fears were soon put to rest. It was obvious that he did indeed play like me. I was ruthless in my training, whooping his ass into shape vigorously and repeatedly. By now, he is a formidable beast


You should've stuck with it. I agree it gets off to a bit of a slow start and I didn't care about any of the supporting characters or their motivations, but the bulk of the game, once it gets going, is utterly phenomenal.

Well, I'm sure that might help. Problem is, you can't tell who your opponent is going to be online until the match starts!

Right! Something drives me nuts and borders on feeling "broken" about the game when you can be KO'd at such low percentage. It just feels like Smash isn't supposed to work that way, idk.

Am I the only one bothered by the fact that they apparently, what, screwed up Samus' animation? It's all glitched out and choppy :(

Yes indeed, Ganondorf is hella OP. It's really annoying actually.

Whoa, wut?? Is this some sort of secret? Dedede is very difficult to smash out, sometimes taking close to 200% to KO him. Why on Earth would he get smashed out at 11%???

Nope, they're completely and obviously real, like - in broad daylight every day kind of real. That anyone would deny that speaks volumes about the blinders you must wear.
Every. Single. Day. Not just on Kotaku, but everywhere, it's the constant droning refrain of how PC is just Soooooo much better and you're stupid of

?? My comment wasn't about this one game, nor about Ubi. What PC fanatics cannot seem to get through their heads is that annoying-ass issues like this are WHY people don't migrate to PC as their main gaming platform nearly as much as people like to imagine that they should.
That's all. There are genuine, legitimate

The irony of someone desiring things "much more mature" while acting as immature as humanly possible is not lost on me. Did you misplace your meds?

No, it's not that it's "hard". That's not the point. It's a pain in the ass, and one that I don't want to deal with every time I get a new game. What if I hadn't seen this article? I have to track down a workaround for all the issues that plague PC releases? Also, plenty of games run at a smooth 60 fps on PS4.

Wow, color me shocked. A PC user acts throws a tantrum and acts like a snotty, spoiled brat. WHOA.
Let me walk you through it, genius. Nowhere did I say that PC's were inferior and "Consoles Rule All!!!" or anything of the sort. What I AM tired of, are PC users who endlessly mock and taunt console players for basically