
I'd like to think you're correct, but I've had numerous discussion with people who do, in fact, think this. In fact, I'm having some right now due to my comment. They're real, I tell you.

You're the exact kind of person I'm talking about. Yes it is MINOR. Unless you're such a fanatic that you exaggerate the differences in your mind to justify your fanboy fervor.
Look at Tomb Raider: DE or a whole host of other multi-platform games. Look at Advanced Warfare. The differences are very slight. Glad you

Except that you often DO need to wait for a patch. I don't want to spend an hour tinkering with a million settings just get a damn game to run without stuttering all the time. It's ridiculous and I don't have the time for it. I'd rather chill on the couch in front of my huge TV and play with friends or my wife,

Agreed. With PS4, the graphical hit is really rather minor, and for the ease of use and playing with others on a huge TV?! It's a no-brainer.

Aw, you're cute. I wasn't referring to "bugs" specifically, but I've read article after article about things not running correctly on PC, about needing to change all kinds of setting and use workarounds left and right. It's a huge pain in the ass. Huge. And something that by and large console gamers don't have to deal

And once again, people will gloss over issues like this as they continue to insist that only idiots play consoles.

"Honestly, who's going to play with the gamepad?"

Huh? What's wrong with playing with the gamepad? Works perfectly fine.

*Why* are people upset over this? I'm not getting it.
People cried "fake" yet Gamestop didn't immediately admit that it was fake, and this somehow reflects poorly on Gamestop? They were clearly doing this whole thing as a clever PR stunt, so why would they blow their cover before the video even came out? Who cares if

Good point, and one that surprisingly few people seem to be mentioning and acknowledging.
See ANY interview of the guy over the last year. It's not even meant as an insult, but a basic and obvious observation - the guy is clearly going senile big time. And his blind right eye doesn't seem to be helping. He is spaced

"I really hope there is room in a tight military budget for the Warthog."

Because he's SMASH BROS MARIO and he'll be any damn color he pleases! :)

Not seeing much diff on PS4 vs PC version, but you can spot the resolution degradation on the XBone pretty easily in places. For example, this picture is with the screen not moving at all. Look at the text on the billboard, clearly lower res on the right, which is Xbox, PS4 on left.

Lol, really? I've definitely seen many people post in the "positive" arrogant sense "PC MASTER RACE". Perhaps it started as an insult but has since been adopted and embraced by PC gamers?

The driving was only awkward at first, after a while it became totally fine and felt natural - you just had to get used to it. Also, hacking a pacemaker was IN the first game and played a pivotal role in an important scene toward the end. How'd you miss that? Also, make it not an open world game? Are you crazy? Some

ahahahaha all I can think reading these comments is of the thousands of times I've seen the smug, arrogant comment "PC Master Race".

Just admit you're upset because it's a man doing this. How dare they hijack our cause!

Yes, but clearly under direction from headquarters. No advertising agency IN the US, *from* the US would put together an ad this cringeworthy. It's like the heads at Nintendo commisioned a study of "what Western teens act like" then put their finding into a document, sent it to NOA and said "Model the commercial

O Very nice!

I can understand why Bumgarner had such a blank look on his face... He was probably in shock at knowing that he was likely experiencing the peak moment of his entire life, the moment that his whole life had led to at that moment: World Series Champion MVP. Not much higher you can go than that. And it was being tainted

Damnit Nintendo - what is so hard about this? I get that you're Japanese, but you seem to have ZERO understanding of a modern Western audience. Like, none.