wild homes loves you but chooses darkness!

I love gamepass. I have bought so few games since signing up. 2022 was just a shit year for all platforms. Next year looks amazing.

But Rian, we want to see more of your relationship with Star Wars!

Correct, the first sentence was mocking the article’s conclusions drawn, the second was suggesting the (sarcastic/imaginary) fix for their attitude problem. I’m glad it was eventually coherent (I don’t actually understand Lex’s reply to it).

People like the games on Gamepass but if you think about it, isn’t that BAD, actually? I hope the surgery to dig the stick out will be successful, thoughts and prayers.

And they’re wrong. So fuck em. 

I feel like most younger people have no interest in the concept of a preponderance of guilt.  Like... I wonder if Hami83 eats babies.  You know, cracking their spines and sucking the stem-cells right out Christopher Reeves style.  Just curious if they were.

Weird singleplayer games with manageable play times on a subscription? Souds like fun.

I can’t decide if this one is going to be just as hilarious as all the previous ones, or even more hilarious.  I have definitely ruled out the possibility of it being less hilarious, though.

“she isn’t doing anything wrong”

Buying new has become a bit of a scam, as games are now commonly released in a terribly unfinished state. If you wait, you can get them for much cheaper, better patched/developed, and sometimes even with more content for that lesser price. The way video games are, it’d be like if used cars were actually more reliable

two things, 1. i think it’s worth acknowledging that i’d be more annoyed about performance issues had i paid $60 and not received a review copy 2. things should be expensive to compensate workers well and fairly, but most of a video games’ $60 is not going to the people that made it (as far as i know).

i’d love to see

The answer is it’s none of your business.

Meanwhile the cynic in me can’t see comments like this as anything other than taking any opportunity to question the motives of someone who is a woman, a person of colour, and leftist.

the cynic in you is dumb

she’s younger than me and Ive been gaming since i was little, not sure why it’s difficult for you to imagine.

Pretty sure Bernie Madoff died in prison? I don’t quite get what you’re saying about him being taken care of unless you mean it in the mob sense.

It’s NYC, blocking the plate number prevents red light cameras, speed cameras and toll stations from seeing the plate. That means you can drive around speeding, running red lights and using all the bridges and tunnels for free. But let’s just skip those for now and think about what happens when there are hit and run

If that driver is cheating on funding your city / home should be receiving, I think this comes pretty damn close. The government being the victim doesn't make this a victimless crime, it actually makes us all the victims. 

Did you happen to read the part where the driver committed 26 moving violations in the last 3 years? And those were just the times he got caught...not to mention the unsolved hit-and-run that occoured in the same area at the time. Coincidence?

What’s the over-under on this being a NYPD employee or relative of one?