wild homes loves you but chooses darkness!

This article is dumb at best and misleading at worst. You’ve hedged your bets so much in writing it that it walks back your titular ‘hot take’ almost instantly. Sure, it’s possible that your phone might be fine without a screen protector— although you sure do go out of your way to quote a whole shitload of people who

lol I love how this list just flies in the face of understood climate science— I mean, I don’t doubt it that people will leave some of these cities. But the idea that people will depopulate the Great Lakes area— which is understood to be one of the few areas that will be significantly MORE habitable because of

But PeOpLe ArE aNgRy and stuff! They, um... already pay for internet and that means they shouldn’t have to provide some sort of compensation for other goods and services they consume? But honestly, I don’t get the furor. Adblock works like a champ when it works and I think it’s easy-ish to think they’re a net positive

Cool story, dude. You’re very tough.

This is basically just an ad. Other than the two Apple products (one of which is barely a deal as it’s been available more or less everywhere at the markdown price since last year when it was succeeded), it’s just the current Echo/Fire lineup. Y’all should mark this as a sponsored post. 

Really hope not. Marrok was really boring in his limited appearance, and nothing about the way he was used suggested there was some deeper, more interesting thing yet to be revealed about him. The choreography of the fights he was in were... fine, I guess? But nothing that makes me ache to see a whole bunch more

Depends on how you put the math together... I ‘subscribe’ to Disney+, Hulu, and nominally ESPN+ (although ESPN+ barely works at all as it has comprehensive login problems that have existed since launch) for ‘free’ as part of my Verizon plan. I’ve got a lot of issues with bundling services, but I did the math when

Finally, a take that reads more like reality and less like auteur fanfic. Filoni is VERY good at his job, but ascribing to him some sort of mortal anguish about penning his way out of a stinger scene from the end of Rebels is such nonsense. I imagine it took him all of maybe ten minutes to clear his head and figure

This is the most convoluted solution possible, and it also kinda makes me wonder where the value for Microsoft is in the entire deal now. The (presumed) plan was to make the games available for sale on other platforms and free on GamePass to drive GamePass subscriptions... but by giving Ubisoft the streaming rights

Yeah, I don't love the police response but Kai Cenat is the responsible party here. People used to damn near murder each other for the CHANCE to buy cheap shit on Black Friday, and this kid thought inviting thousands of people to a disorganised block party to give away PS5s and PCs and gift cards wasn't going to

Absolutely not, sir or madame. There is no market for a candybar with that monstrosity on this or any other Earth. 

I’m so excited to see what kind of egg farming builds will become viable once we’re not sorta handicapped by sluggishness on the new engine. It’ll be cool to see people be able to use stuff other than just Sarabande again.

Bungie’s newest statement seems pretty damning. If they’ve actually got proof he was doing this for YEARS, it begs the question-- dude, why would you endanger your source of revenue? You didn’t even get ‘credit’ from the community for being the leaker, and just nuked a big chunk of your own career. What an

Feel bad for this dude for being temporarily without income, but working at GameStop is BARELY income. That company is an absolute joke as an employer and this kid is 100% better off. It’ll suck for a couple weeks until he finds literally anything else, but I refuse to believe anyone leaves GameStop and ends up in a

Nothing surprising about this... it was always likely to be an unsustainable fad, and when Funko found early success they leaned in HARD. Tie-ins with basically every media property that has ever existed. There’s obviously no sustainable model when you’ve already exploited damn near everything that anyone has ever

Agreed. This is one of the worst laid-out slideshows I have ever seen in my life. What an exercise in frustration.

She’s totally free to do whatever she likes, and doesn’t deserve any criticism from others about how she runs her business provided she isn’t hurting anyone or breaking the law. Full stop.

I may not always agree with AOC (although I generally do) but it’s awesome that she called out SBF like this and that she’s an avid gamer... even if League is not remotely my personal jam. I do wonder, however, just how nerdy some members of Congress really are. There are plenty of fortysomething and fiftysomething

For much as they talked over different generations (especially early in the 360's lifespan) of using the Xbox platform as a digital gateway device I always thought Microsoft’s long game was Live Anywhere, which... actually wound up happening? Between GamePass Ultimate, Xbox Game Bar, Xbox Cloud Gaming, and things like

I wonder if this is part of what eventually kills the Series S. We’ve heard that some developers want to do away with the console, and honestly it seems like that it would be dumped when a mid-generation refresh comes around anyhow seeing as it is just underpowered, but a $200 per unit loss for Microsoft on a console