wild homes loves you but chooses darkness!

This leads us to one Joe Flacco an elite backup quarterback?

Yes, but it also plays into his “most attacked president in history” narrative and by Wednesday, he’ll be saying it was just a small group Democratic representatives and he heard they had paid some people off to boo him. Probably illegal immigrants taking those booing jobs away from real Americans who love him, but

The best thing about this is that it will eat away at him way, way, way more than things like “credibly accused of being a Russian asset” or “revealed almost daily, often by his own idiotic admission, to have participated in criminal activity.”

Nobody stays alive to keep watching the winningest team ever keep winning, I call bullshit. Your grandfather is alive just to cheer against that immigrant Altuve, i bet 

We want to extend a nation-wide heartfelt gratitude to Houston and D.C. for saving us from a Fall Classic befouled by the Yankees and Cardinals. The Yankee team is stocked with actually decent men, save for the petulant and perfidious Sanchez. For one example, Judge is not only a great player but seems like an

Nice. A minor suggested adjustment from someone who spends about eleven hours a day thinking about alliteration:

I understand the players are caught between a rock and a hard place. But this has to be one of the most craven capitulations to money I have ever seen by a major athlete. Should have kept quiet. His rationale is bullshit.

It’s not relevant until Ellen picks a side.

Lost in all of this is the fact that the Golden State Warriors once blew a 3-1 lead in the NBA Finals, the championship series in American professional basketball.

On one hand, you have the Chinese government who wants the ability to extradite residents of Hong Kong with no oversight. The same Chinese government that regularly disappears people in it’s custody, and is running literal concentration camps for ethnic minorities and political dissidents.

Trump really needs to be careful though because the some in the GOP will only be quiet for so long.  

I was gonna suck my thumb, but I got high

This is not one of those signature Trump defects that can readily be spun into a secret strength or as a subtle bit of advanced dealcraft that only experts and initiates can appreciate

Fuck this shit.


I can’t believe the Patriots went to all this trouble to beat the Dolphins.

Sometimes these things just happen, entirely naturally...

Having never been touched like that by a woman before, it was all he could do to prematurely eject her.

So you’re saying Roman Polanski... came in a little behind?

“Horton, Here’s a Poo!”