wild homes loves you but chooses darkness!

While Sony says they’re not putting first-party titles on there day and date because there’s no reason to, the real reason— and it was mentioned more directly in a quote from another article— is that Sony needs that sales revenue from those exclusives. They cannot afford to put first-party titles on PS Plus day and

The problem is that she is locked into a veeeeery punitive recording contract wherein Dr. Luke basically takes all the money she makes. She has generated enormous revenue for her label but she's been exploited from the day she signed her contract as a very young woman just doing SoundCloud. She might be able to walk

Killing NPCs you’re obviously not supposed to is always kinda fun to try. Always was the sort to resort to a previous save after trying it, though. I do wish that I’d have attempted The Back Path after killing Vivec in Morrowind, though. At the time I didn’t even realise it was a (much harder) option.

Mass Effect 3 was the first high water mark of toxic fandom in games, and while ME is my favorite game trilogy it’s also responsible for the thing I hate most in modern gaming. Look at any toxic community that feels justified because they’re ‘passionate’ and just seethes with unrestrained, self-destructive vitriol

I agree with you. I play 2042 pretty frequently and while it’s definitely a typically Battlefieldish mess right now (OMG THE STUPID UNDERBARREL VEHICLE ADS BUG ARGH), it’s pretty reliably a good time. I enjoy it. Reading the subreddit, if the community has its way the game would somehow both get fully refunded to

Except the petition... doesn’t actually say any of those things. In fact, it explicitly says people DIDN’T heed those lessons, even though they were common sense beforehand and have been for years. The petition actually says ‘we bought this game because years and years of AAA titles launching in poor states requiring

It’s a weird thing. The petition is sorta reasonable if you look at it through the lens of ‘EA delayed the season pass and botched the compensation for doing so’, but it’s kinda wild if you consider that the community is toxic as hell and dumb as a post. There ARE reasonable people disappointed in the game— loads of

While I do ENORMOUSLY appreciate how utterly Swedish it is to use Robyn as a soundtrack to anything no matter how little if fits (saw Robyn at Primavera before the pandemic and Europe’s love for Robyn cannot possibly be overstated)... that trailer is really kinda boring. I’m sure it’ll handle well, but nothing about

No way that’s going to happen, given one of the two PS5 SKUs doesn’t even have a disc drive. Like it or not, at this point backwards compatibility is going to be software emulation all the way.

I don’t see how it makes any sense to make it exclusive. There are bigger reasons why people buy one console over another than simply exclusives-- they prefer one controller over another (why I personally don’t care for the PlayStation brand so much), have a UI preference (the one reason I dislike the Xbox at times),

Just can’t get excited for Eternals no matter how many trailers and sizzle videos I watch. If it winds up being good, it’ll be the greatest example I’ve ever seen of a movie succeeding despite bad promotional materials. It’s like advertising milk.

It is honestly kind of astounding how much nearly ever comment on this article other than yours completely misses the point... although to be fair, the ARTICLE sort of missed the point as well. The role “dollar stores” play in the spread of food deserts in the United States and the perpetuation of generational poverty

lol wow, I thought you had to be making that up, but upon a second viewing yuuuuuup that’s what’s going down there.

I’m all for a drug that helps people overcome the dangers of obesity, but it’s specifically what you’re describing that strikes me as dangerous. “Reducing someone’s appetite to almost nothing” is NOT a recipe for healthy weight loss. It’s actually introducing a ton of other issues because if you don’t want to eat

lol GameStop’s model is moribund. They’re going to try everything they can, but they’re screwed. They’ve been screwed for years. The margins on hardware are razor-thin, that’s why attach rates were always the key metric... and with everyone being digital now attach rates are in the tank. It’s why you’ve seen GameStop

Sure, but altruistic organised retail investing isn’t really a thing. Even if you look at something like AMC/GME, which are really the two headline examples of this new, connected form of group retail trading (there are certainly TONS of retail trading groups but none big enough to move the needle in the manner you’re

While that sounds neat, it’s not at all the way this would work. Ultimately, a business is going to act in a way that delivers profit to its shareholders, and while tute ownership might signal some minor differences in preferred business practice, ultimately anyone who wants to own stock in a company wants results. A

She’s got a whole moneymaking enterprise going— Twitch, OnlyFans, other social media. She works hard, for sure— I can’t imagine building an empire of simps is as easy as just signing up for Twitch— and appearing in hot tub stuff is just part of her brand. I don’t love the larger issues with stuff like OnlyFans— it’s

Your determination to just slander folks is kinda funny, if really stupid. Dane Cook isn’t someone I’m a fan of, but nobody here has mentioned anything he’s been accused of, and yet you STILL keeping doubling down. 

The problem is that means-testing the plan would both take time that people in need couldn’t afford and also reduce the overall impact of the stimulus. Giving a higher percentage of the money to those in greater need would help those people, but wouldn’t likely impact the larger economy because it wouldn’t become