wild homes loves you but chooses darkness!

The point is that it’s an artificially high amount for everyone except players who pour enormous amounts of time into the game. And so if you’re someone playing the game more casually, it’s just... another sign that Destiny 2 isn’t for you anymore.

Yes, I think for a lot of people that’s the way to do it. I won’t be buying either new gen console for some time because once the library gets good enough to justify the purchase they’ll probably be more readily available and may be cheaper or have additional incentives. If you don’t have a decent PC you might just

Games with Gold is just a nice perk. Pretty much everyone should be on GamePass Ultimate by now, so honestly Games with Gold is just for those few folks who haven’t bothered. It’s obviously not a huge focus for Microsoft anymore, but it’s nice they’re still doing it. Have fun with PSN, I guess.

The Super Shotgun is fun for sure, but both the USAS-12 with frag rounds and Felwinter's Lie would like to have a word with you. 

lol if this isn’t the most obvious eventual outcome of loot boxes I’ve ever seen. Not going to argue against the (inevitable) termination this person is going to receive-- it’s definitely a blatant violation of their employment contract with EA-- but also not going to criticise them too harshly. Sad thing is, this

I don’t think has anything to do with Manchin being happy or not. I think it has to do with the fact that Manchin represents a state that should not in any reasonable way be represented by a Democrat. West Virginia is, like, HARD Trump Country. That really handcuffs Manchin’s ability to make choices in a lot of ways,

It’s sad how obvious this point is. It just means more years of foolish indignation from lesser-informed hacks about WHY DON’T THE CENTRISTS JUST VOTE LIBERAL ON MY ISSUE AND ABDICATE THEIR SEATS ENTIRELY. This doesn’t seem like a hard concept to understand? Most of the centrists in Congress were elected because their

I don’t really get the vitriol here. Biden needs to pass this bill, and he isn’t making any inroads getting any Republican support at $1400. He has no choice but to placate Manchin, and if you’ve any understanding just how tenuous Manchin’s hold on his seat as a Democratic senator from WEST FREAKING VIRGINIA is you

I am totally okay with the next Dragon Age being single player. I loved the hell out of the ME3 multiplayer, but Inquisition’s take on the ME3 multiplayer formula was tedious, slow, and formulaic. It’s like BioWare managed to forget all the compelling things they built in the ME3 experience.

lol one of the phones in the title photo (Pixel 5) isn’t even really in the slideshow. That’s comical, and shows off how everyone seemingly prefers the 4a 5G. Having used both I think the 5 is a much nicer device with superior battery life. Worth the price difference.

I agree there is a lot to unpack here, but I take exception to your fourth point... “Ray...doesn’t actually owe the public anything? It might be nice for us to be told details so that we aren’t making blind judgements about this guy, that guys, all the guys, but he doesn’t actually have to tell us anything.”

I didn’t think Luke was an egregious misstep on the part of the production team of The Mandalorian, but I thought it was the capstone on what was— for me— an interminable snooze of a season. There were no stakes, and no real story motivation other than here, go puke out the setups for all the spinoffs. Horror episode?

I can kind of get behind this. I honestly think Batman & Robin is better than Batman Forever, because while it’s tremendously stupid and silly, it at least leans in on the silliness and runs with it. Forever can’t really decide if it’s ready to fully move on from the Burton movies or not. I wouldn’t watch it every

It’s not my favorite game, but Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture. There was a deeply emotional impact I felt late in the game that a second play through could never give me. I’d sorely love to experience that feeling again for the first time.

Correction: the car could turn into a boat IN THE ORIGINAL SPY HUNTER. Not saying the knockoff is bad, but the boat thing was in the original game thirtsomething years ago.

Nope. The trailer looks like a mishmash of ideas from the other reboots, plus Sarah Connor. Also, that might be the worst cover of a good song I’ve ever heard.

So long as the game’s designers included a reasonably painless way to respec, I am completely OK with not being able to unlock every perk in the tree. But when games fail to provide that? Horrible. I’m at a point in my life where I really don’t want to replay content just to do a build “correctly”. 

The problem with your argument is time. For the incredible majority of players, Anthem was released five days ago. Five days after Destiny’s release, Xur hadn’t yet sold the Gjallahorn and the Vault of Glass (Fatebringer, Mythoclast) itself didn’t release for two more days. The Hopscotch didn’t show up until what,

To be fair, the current iPhone models all support wireless induction charging, the cable port is the single most common failure point on a phone, and Lightning cables are notoriously trash. Why would you want to keep plugging it in all the time? Just sit it on the pad, and you can use Bluetooth OR corded headphones

What you’re describing is, though, the very nature of Apple. While the dongle isn’t great (although to be fair, a few hundred negative reviews of a product with an audience in the tens of millions is perhaps statistically insignificant), this is the very Apple thing to do. When they ditched 30 pin for Lightning and