wild homes loves you but chooses darkness!

It’d be interesting to see the author delve a bit more deeply into the specifics of Rose’s civil trial... a few of the commenters here and elsewhere really paint a pretty dim picture of the plaintiff and the case in general (that is to say, that Rose was guilty of poor decision making but wasn’t guilty of sexual

Greipel had a very bad second half of 2017, admitting his confidence was shattered. His 2018 has been only slightly better. At this rate I think the only way he gets a featured role is if some team without a young sprinter to promote into the spotlight decides to roll the dice. I’d love to see him return to form, but

I have to say, Banner has been EXTREMELY enjoyable so far. 6V6 fixes most of the remaining issues that remained after the Go Fast update. It even fixes the control point imblanace issues on the current maps! I’m not very bothered with TTK— it’s nicely strategic to be able to back out of firefights if you need to. I’m

The fatal flaw in your premise is that it assumed the players have the necessary information to make an informed decision. The NFL intentionally misled players for many years about the risks of brain injury, and even now we don’t have more than a facile understanding of how CTE is developed. Even if I did otherwise

The interesting part is that, while PVE is still an aimless morass of time-gated content with an uninteresting loot pool and a bolted-on Masterworks system that is completely boring and comprehensively pointless... PVP is actually once again REALLY GOOD. I spent a few hours in Crux the last couple days and I was

Strongly agree (although I’ve no real interest in seeing a remaster of Point of Impact, I’d vastly prefer Revenge). Anyone who believes Paradise is a better game than Takedown is high. It’s arguably a better game from a technical perspective, but as a Burnout racing title Paradise is a hot mess. Going from Takedown’s

It’ll be funny, with 6v6 PVP alongside 4v4, to see how quickly 6v6 demolishes 4v4 entirely. It’ll just be frustrating if Banner remains a 4v4 activity.

The problem is that the people who care about rolls are more likely to care about PVP. PVE can be run successfully with any damn weapon at all... but people who enjoy PVP will be a lot more choosy about what to use, especially so long as Bungie are so ass about balancing perks (for instance, if unique rolls were a

Now PVP is just HCR and stupid crouching swords. It is, if anything, even MORE annoying and predictable than D1 PVP with sniper snipers, shotgun snipers, and twenty-foot melee strikes.

It’s finally time to begin to ask if it’s appropriate for Luke Smith to step aside and allow someone else to run the game. Studios make mistakes, but Bungie’s problem since year one has been an absolute lack of desire to take the players seriously... and finally with D2 that’s all coming home to roost. Can’t spend

I loved the way the story handled Luke. However, I absolutely despised the unnecessary “epilogue” mission after the almost note-perfect final mission. It felt like the biggest middle finger to the audience I’ve seen in a game. What a great campaign marred by such an extraordinary dick move.

Burnout Takedown, Otogi, Armed and Dangerous.

If Banner has reinforced anything for me about D2 Crucible, it’s that Control is brooooken. Asymmetrical maps (the Emperor’s palace is pure comedy, they should just rename the one point to A/B instead of pretending they’re two separate points) and predictable spawns mean you’re either going to get stomped or beat the

I’m just not entirely sure why it’s newsworthy. Professional hypocrisy would be newsworthy to me, as would criminal wrongdoing— but “people are better in their personal lives at talking the talk than walking the walk” isn’t really surprising. I’m sorry for her suffering, and I hope she can move on and have a healthy

My shortlist would be NHL 95, Tecmo Bowl, MVP 2004, and Coach K’s College Basketball. Out of those my heart REAAAAALLY belongs to Coach K, because there’s nothing better than picking St. John’s and absolutely destroying people with Felipe Lopez (although Iverson is a beast in that game as well, nigh-unguardable). Ah,

My picks:

Is Shiny Red Something still in development, or is this it... just a crash mode? I mean, it’s better than nothing, but World Tour, man. Come on!

To be fair, Cabinet appointees almost NEVER get rejected (on either side, in any administration). And a lot of that is due to the opposition party knowing that they’ll receive the same latitude next time THEIR candidate wins the Oval Office. Say what you want about Carson— he’s utterly unqualified to lead HUD, he’s a

I tried to do the smartwatch thing, but had to return it (I had the OG 360 and a Sony SW3). Android Wear was (at the time) woefully feature-incomplete, and the watch just didn’t DO anything I really needed. In the end I opted for a Garmin Forerunner which meets more (but not all) of my needs: it does rudimentary text

Why wouldn’t you just want to do the technical adjustment (Shift and double click in Windows LR) to fix the white balance so there’s no clipping, and then adjust to taste (if you reeeeaaally feel it’s necessary)? Blowing everything up and going by eye is kind of a terrible idea from a workflow standpoint. It’s like