wild homes loves you but chooses darkness!

Depends on budget. If you’re just getting into the game, go with the ecosystem that is most common among your friends and peers. You’ll get better advice, be able to borrow more lenses, and have more fun shooting and less worrying about your gear. But if you have the money? Buy an A7RII. I mean, sure, if you are

Wait, you what? A six year old crop sensor that was originally positioned toward the bottom of Canon’s prosumer end, and you’re comparing it to the best (without question, it’s a universal consensus) low-light still and video full frame sensor ever created? Everyone’s tastes are different, but lololol that’s an insane

River City Ransom, Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture, A Link to the Past.

I’m glad you found a way to enjoy the game, Kirk. I’m still waiting for it to click for me. I put in three hours, and nothing. I’m planning on laying off it for a while in hopes I’ll fire it up fresh and suddenly everything will click. I think it’s the lack of any narrative cookie that’s getting me down about it...

I just prefer to use the Hopper app. It lets you set trips and dates, and checks daily for prices— it’ll give you the same estimates this will, but it will also update you directly when it finds an unexpectedly cheap price. Managed to find a RAGBRAI flight for about $220 off the standard price with it, even though it

To be honest, this deal isn’t that great. They’ve had $35 through Dailyboxdeals or whatever at least twice in the last two months, and it’s just an online code you get immediately. Just keep an open eye and you’ll find a better deal. $38-40, while definitely less than MSRP, is a pretty average day-to-day price.

To be honest, this deal isn’t that great. They’ve had $35 through Dailyboxdeals or whatever at least twice in the

Adam, you’ve made one critical mistake in your analysis. Samsung has “doubled” refresh rates for 2015, but ONLY for the 4K models. So the refresh rate for that 1080p model will be precisely what Samsung says it is. If it were 4K, they’d be doubling the rate for their figure.

That’s... a really selfish and shitty thing to do. And I’d say that I hope people don’t treat you as callously as you seem to treat others, but really it doesn’t bother me if they do, because you seem to be comfortable with the world being, as you put it, a rough place.

It’s really not that hard. If you watch the video, you should support the person’s work. Then, if you don’t like it, you should just... not watch any more of that person’s videos? It’s like going to a movie. You bought a ticket, you watched the film, and you didn’t like it. You’d probably just not go see more movies

I do wish they’d be a little more transparent about how the Red revenue will be distributed among creators. A lot of the stuff I watch isn’t coming from the mega-popular people, and I’d like to make sure the people I <i>do</i> like are getting a fair cut (I’m on Red because I already subscribe to Play Music, so opting

You’re going to give money to Youtube anyway, whether it’s the ad system or Red. Those creators, for better or for worse, have a business agreement with Youtube once they submit videos to the site. Whether it’s a fair system is a good question, but that’s one for the individual creators to assess.

Adblock doesn’t really serve that purpose explicitly. It seems like you’re trying to shoehorn Adblock into a purpose it does not serve, actually. You’re suggesting using Adblock in this way: consume whatever you want (as much as you wish) and only provide revenue support to those things you like, while still being

If you’re really, really struggling with that part of the Chaperone quest... I’d recommend waiting until Mayhem Clash returns to the playlist. It’s already confirmed that Golden Gun kills count AS Last Word kills, so it’s 2% per golden gun kill instead of 1% with other equipped weapons, and you can reliably fire off

It’s a rough raid the first time. Some of the fights (warpriest, sisters) are sound, with reasonably sensible mechanics. One (Golgoroth) has sound-ish mechanics but requires a ton of coordination. The last (Oryx) has entirely too many obscurantist mechanics, done sequentially, and requires a lot of teamwork too.

No, he’s right. Can’t fuck ghosts. Reason?

The problem I have with this isn't that the guy is a douche— it's that snowboarding and skiing surfaces are very studiously maintained to manage avalanche risks. Snow assessment, explosive buildup prevention, research by air and on foot— these are the things that make snowboarding and skiing a manageable risk.

To be honest, $35 is pretty common for Live renewal deals. If you don't check out Cheapassgamer, then start! There's usually at least one $35 deal somewhere or other per month.

Technically the X has to be OK Google Now, even if it's on Kit Kat and even if you've got GEL installed— it's just some quirk of the X that OK Google, OK Jarvis, and OK Computer won't work. Touchless Control always supercedes GEL... it'll work on almost everything else running GEL, though.

The Sharp 50" is out of stock at Best Buy.

I actually like the old Surface RT, but you would need the Touch Cover as well, so it's really about $250. Right now Tech Woot has refurbed Nexus 10 models for $279, I'd consider that, if you're talking $250 or so.