wild homes loves you but chooses darkness!

OMG Reaper Volus. I would pretty much die.

NF? Near Field Communication? Interesting...

You'd have to imagine it's resistive. Can't imagine much in the way of stylus support with a capacitive screen (I mean, capacitive is more expensive, and even capacitive-friendly stylus models are expensive).

Not just the camera angle. Definitely looks a bit wider.

The new square thing (on the left, under the D-pad) looks a whole lot like an optical trackpad (think late model Blackberry devices). Maybe good for precise pointer movements?

I feel your pain, my friend. But it'll never, ever happen. It's the exact same pain Elder Scrolls fans have, wishing for a return to Morrowind's hugely deeper underlying systems and at-times punishing difficulty.

THIS. I'm cool with Bioware doing whatever they want with DA3, but all I really want is a sequel to Jade Empire. Kung fu. RPG. MORE.

The only Mass Effect 2 DLC that's worth checking out is Arrival. The other pieces (Shadowbroker, Overlord, and Stolen Memories) are neat but kind of meaningless... Shadowbroker and Overlord are mentioned during the events of ME3 (Overlord is mentioned repeatedly, actually, at several points in the game) but even those

GREEN? Synthesis between Darkspawn, Humans, and Dragons?

Except that avoiding the multiplayer didn't affect your game at all, if you so chose. PLAYING it could provide a buff to your GR, but avoiding it didn't suddenly mean you were screwed. Just continue to complete all available side missions and you'll likely wind up with the same variant ending.

I'd like to learn more about Orlais, really. Anything else you give us is gravy, honestly. Just make the scope of the game larger than in the second title. I want to feel like my character's actions MATTER.

Used to happen all the damn time.

Oh, shit yeah. I'm going to at least rent it just for the whole inevitable using-old-resources-to-beat-co-opted-future-tech story aspects. And then I'll laugh again, because that old trope is ridiiiiiculous.


Apparently you're completely unfamiliar with Bane, and with Knightfall. Which, to be fair, it appears was an inspiration for DKR. Bane took Batman apart emotionally and physically.

I'll be playing some FIFA, a little Battlefield, and plowing through The Witcher.

I know it's a ton of work, but Valve make being endlessly awesome seem so damn easy. I'm kind of in awe of that.

Conceptually? Sounds great. I mean, who doesn't like Smash Bros.?

Already signed up previously, but took advantage of the upgrade to hang on to until W8 and Apollo drop. I figure at some point I'll be able to drop my Nexus and live in an all-Windows world.

I agree with the advice posted in the photos, if not the article. If you have an iPhone: yes, get a case, because your phone is two panes of glass. But if you have an i9020 (the Nexus S), no, do not get a case. Just acquire more backplates for like $1.50 each, complete with the NFC chip. And then do goofy shit, like