wild homes loves you but chooses darkness!

Well, I'm willing to completely write off the Atari period. I get that he had ambitions for that move, but it was just doomed to fail. Infogrames was never, ever going to turn it around.

Phantasy Star IV.

This weekend is for painting and carpentry, first. Then, I need to finally finish the last ten or so hours of Skyrim (just the Dark Brotherhood and the main story, all the other guilds and extraneous bits are wrapped up) and as always... Battlefield, Battlefield, Battlefield.

That's the problem with being one person. It makes it SUPER DIFFICULT to be the majority. And, you know, to successfully speak for the majority, too.

The Nintendo Kitchen Sink. Because every time we hear about the Wii U it's about some new whiz-bang features they're throwing in. A million control schemes. Display mirroring. Motion control. Touch control. Original Wii Remotes. Video cameras. Voice control. Now it's NFC. And I don't trust them to do compelling stuff

I am disappointed in this. I understand the complaint of having to buy maybe more points than you need. But point cards go on sale WAY more often than PSN cards. Because retailers rarely put money itself on sale. This is definitely going to limit my XBLA purchases to those few times a year they run large weekly sales.

There are only five things Microsoft needs, to achieve global dominance. The Courier, and developers.

BRAVO. Very, very nicely done.

My pick for GOTY is Bulletstorm. And then probably From Dust, but I'm odd like that. And Portal 2, of course, but I'd rather just nominate that for a "best writing, EVER" award.

While the game is new enough for spoilers to ruin it for you, really... did you think you could wade into the comments without seeing any? Welcome to the Internet, friend.

I haven't even got around to playing the first one yet. It's in my backlog, but the backlog is so deep I'm unsure if I'll ever get around to it. Hooray, first world problems!

Looks (understandably) a whole lot like Bayonetta meets Vanquish. Doesn't much look like Metal Gear. Not that it's a bad thing— I didn't really enjoy Guns of the Patriots (but loved Snake Eater). Maybe a new direction might help this franchise out?

Like others pointed out, it wasn't a 120hz model (just barely-manufactured-anymore 60hz) OR an LED model (just regular old, non-edge lit LCD with a poor inflated dynamic contrast ratio of 15,000:1)... it's just an (at-best) middle of the road model from last year's production run (if not the year before that), that

I just hope it's slightly more accurate than the stock Gingerbread keyboard (NS4G). When in landscape the spacebar (actually the entire bottom row, really) gets super wonky.

I respect your opinion but I couldn't disagree more. This isn't in any way demeaning to Woz, or to Apple, or anyone else. If anything, it's a bit demeaning to the environment Steve Jobs seemed to foster at Apple (and Ballmer frequently tries to engender at Microsoft)— the obsessive, insular

NOTHING is future-proof. Even the digital stuff you're slinging is going to wither away and die. You ever go to AVSF and see how many people at any time are re-re-re-archiving their materials in a new container or with audio passthrough instead of conversion, or using a different codec entirely? We've entered the era

Calibration can really do worlds of good. My EX5 is a little long in the tooth now (well, two years old) and properly calibrated it's fantastic-looking. I mean, it's certainly miles away from a Kuro Elite or such, but the blacks are pretty inky and the color reproduction is solid.

They could've just titled the Android support article "BUY A NEXUS OR BUY AN IPHONE". Anyone who buys a non-Nexus Android phone today should be punched in the mouth whenever they complain about lack of update support. If you don't know you don't buy non-Nexus phone by now, yeah... you should buy an iPhone.

I'm sorry I stepped on your birthday puppy. Your rousing defense is super-entertaining, though. I believe I allowed for taste in my original comment (see "maybe [it] works for this guy). But hey, OK.

Suddenly I'd really like to have some flan. Damn it.