wild homes loves you but chooses darkness!

I'd recommend Snaptastic as the best camera app (over Vignette, primarily for the better UI and fine controls)... or even Puddin (if you don't mind the whole "in Korean" thing. Miren Browser is another app worth a look. Doggcatcher is really nice, but I picked up PocketCast free from the Amazon store and I like it a

Which definitely explains the dual displays, right? Because, I mean, you use two monitors with your media center all the time, yeah?

You wouldn't even need a ROM (although you're right, there's a post on the front page of Development for the NS4G showing the Odexed and Deodexed forms of the factory image). Just download Wireless Tether and you're going in about ten seconds.

No, it's not. It doesn't even have a release date. And to be honest, it's unlikely to launch before late Q3... at least if Sprint wants its first Wimax-X device to launch with the actual rollout of WiMax-X.

It just doesn't seem efficient or cute. It's a glossy cabinet that needs to be opened every time it's in use, so it's always going to be filthy with fingerprints. And the inside looks a real fright. Finally, it just looks too small to use efficiently. It's too wide and entirely too shallow. And where do you rest your

Rooting and running Wireless Tether doesn't require you to leave stock Android by any measure. It just requires you to run ADB for about ten seconds. Sure, you can then flash a different ROM if you want to, but you certainly don't need to.

I honestly didn't think I'd enjoy the Nexus S, having briefly used the N1 and having spent about a year with the original Evo. But the experience is just night and day. Sense is a hog, pure and simple, and that's why none of the three Evos is any kind of proper Nexus successor. And let's not forget that the N1 was

I've got no problem with developers attempting to curtail the sale of used games. I don't really like this 'online pass' idea, however, as it's value-remove instead of value-add (like single-use DLC), but I get that it's an option these publishers are going to have to test out. However, I think that it's only feasible

Unlocking the bootloader on the Nexus is foolishly easy. If you can install the Android SDK and type 'fastboot OEM unlock' in the ADB window you're set.

Yes! Now to create a seemingly obvious masculine photo of myself, and leave my gender unspecified. Because a little mystery in my social networking is just how I roll. It's all, he is a he... isn't he?

It's plenty of fun to josh your friends about their musical tastes. So long as you're fucking around, because any adult should understand how small a difference your music taste makes relative to anything else in the world. Then again, it's fun to take the piss of your friends for damn-near-anything, isn't that why

Such a neat app. But it doesn't work under WiMAX, only Wifi or 3G. And if I was going to run a Tasker script to toggle WiMAX-OFF whenever DropSnap syncs, I'd just try to use Tasker to trigger a sync whenever a photo is taken. So close, yet so far.

I prefer DropSnap a little just because if you want it to it'll sync whenever a photo is taken, whereas SugarSync only syncs at predetermined intervals.

Wow. Between this and Download Map Area from the Labs, it's almost stupid how much better Google Maps is on Android than iOS.

Hahahaha. A three-act play. Twelve thousand words about how punk rock eating hot dogs at a minor league baseball stadium is. Performed by naked cyborg ninja-men.

Your question basically opened it up to anyone related to gaming at all, so I'm going to pick a tag-team match: Me versus DJ Ravi and Cammie Dunaway.

Right now I'm really enjoying Portal 2, but Bulletstorm is my GOTY so far. The writing is so goddamned hilarious and the level design is first-class. I haven't had that much fun playing a shooter in a long-ass time. LA Noire really didn't blow me away as much as I'd hoped. I haven't gotten around to The Witcher 2 yet,


I moved from HTC-IME on my Evo to the Swiftkey X beta, but ever since I moved to the greener, Nexus-y pastures I've been perfectly content with the stock Gingerbread keyboard.

Except that the many wireless tethering solutions baked into third party ROMs DO trigger carrier nosiness. The AOSP Google Experience devices have the original, non-market wireless tethering built in and I've yet to see the carriers pick on owners of those phones.