wild homes loves you but chooses darkness!

I agree with you about Google Experience phones not being on the same timetable as Nexus devices. The G2X is a really nice phone, but we haven't yet heard a peep about LG gifting it with Gingerbread. And I've all but given up hope of the G2 ever seeing Gingerbread, honestly.

I don't agree. I don't believe Sense (particularly 3.0) is an advantage. In the same way they tried to turn Windows Mobile into something with no resemblance to the original, HTC has managed to bury Android under so many layers of gloss it's difficult to find any of the AOSP anywhere. The 3D gallery? Replaced with a

Right now the Desire doesn't even have Gingerbread, and HTC confirmed they're not bringing Gingerbread to it... one of the Euro telcos (might've been Telus?) said they're dumping Sense on the device in order to push it to 2.3...

On Android, just buy a damn Nexus and use the built-in wifi tethering. Haven't gotten any complaints from Sprint on the NS 4G yet (and Jesus have I tethered a lot), and my friends with the N1 on T-Mobile and AT&T (though admittedly more of them have the T-Mobile version than the AT&T version) haven't reported ever

It's OK, but if you're a power user you've probably already got a much more refined setup than this. Definitely not a bad replacement if you're one of those neanderthals with a terrible, tacky UI splashed over your homescreens, though.

It's true, Mike, you are super white. But that said, it's a pretty good jam.

I can only speak for myself. And for myself, I'm not real keen on paying a premium price for a console with a GPU that hasn't been available at retail for two years prior to the system's launch. If they committed to selling the Wii U for about $199, sure. But in a world where Sony and Microsoft sell consoles at a loss

I'm not as bothered by this as I am about the discovery that the Wii U's GPU is seriously lacking. it's still going to be more powerful than the PS3 or 360, but at least in the 360's case it was designed with hardware that was slightly ahead of what you could buy in the store when the console was manufactured (if I

Wow. I actually didn't realise the Wii U controller was so large. I always thought of the Dreamcast as the Crown Victoria of controllers, but the Wii U has to be two of those taped together.

I admit I'll be buying one for the next Smash Bros title. Hopefully for more than just that, but even if it's just Smash Bros, I'm OK with it.

While it's a bit of an inconvenience, wouldn't you prefer just running your HDMI to your receiver then passing the video through to your display? I guess if you have an older receiver that can't do HDMI passthrough it'd be a big nuisance, but...

Was the joke that the game came out last year, or that you misspelled Nier?

Sony already jumped in, they created the first commercially available television running GoogleTV built-in. At the moment, it's the only way other than the not-currently-shipping Logitech Revue box to get GoogleTV in your home.

I'm all about it5, but Rage looks incredibly bland to me. The driving looks uninspired, the enemies look pretty dull, and the lack of proper co-op (separate, co-op only missions? Really?) all add up to Rage being a one-weekend rental for me. As much as I want to give Carmack my money, I just can't get behind this one.

I voted Skyrim (over the twin heavyweights ME3 and U3), but El Shaddai is my sleeper pick. Sad it didn't appear on the voting list. I think it's going to be a hell of a game. Also: much love for Journey, looks wonderful.

This has to be the stupidest and most offensive thing I've heard anyone say on Kotaku in ages. That's an honor of dubious specificity.

Everything all at once forever! Fuck me Jesus, that looks awesome. Not that Human Head have necessarily earned my trust, but consider me wildly interested in seeing where this goes.

The Sense music player is improved, but it's still bad. Try Federico Carnales' MetroUI player (it's in alpha or beta right now from his LauncherPro site). He did an absolutely bonkers job porting the WP7 experience to Android.

But see, that's the part that confuses me.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with Carolyn Petit, or with any member of the LGBT community. However, when you become a video personality, you're going to take crap for your appearance, no matter who you are— I mean, celebrity magazines always take out the last few pages to lampoon people looking unfortunate— so