LEGO Alive
LEGO Alive
I find it more likely to see this in Saints Row: the Third than Red Faction: Armageddon. Just seems more in line with the old Saints Row humor.
Should all these rumors prove true, I fear the price tag for additional controllers. Even if that thing is rocking a very cheap 6.2" capacitive touchscreen LCD, that's going to be one hellaciously expensive controller.
This list is out-of-date, and needs to be updated. The Wildfire, of course, is included on the long list of HTC devices that Unrevoked will one-click.
I don't mean to be a doomsayer, but the Wii is more powerful than last-gen consoles (even if it isn't much more powerful than the original Xbox). And we saw how well that worked out for the traditional gamer. And now Nintendo wish to make a next-gen console that's (presumably) going to be marginally more powerful than…
But Infinite Crisis DID end! They should've just called it Another in a Series of Finite, Non-Final Crises.
To be honest, Secret Wars is a pretty cool title. It's light-years better than Crisis on Infinite Earths. And by extension, Infinite Crisis and Final Crisis. While I don't necessarily think surveying children is a great way to navigate crossover events, in this case it was super aces. America, fuck yeah!
I'm really interested in hearing more about what Sam Houser thinks about games, the industry, and where the major publishers are headed, but I'm not so keen on a really thin, self-serving informercial. I'm usually the last to beg off an article, and certainly I'm aware of the whole you don't have to read it idea,…
The GI article definitely assuaged some of my fears about Deadly Descents. Information was pretty scant, but all his comments seemed pointed at reaffirming the developer's desire to have the new SSX still feel like, well, SSX.
I won't be surprised if Nintendo announce the Wii's successor at E3, but I won't be shocked if they don't, either. Certainly the Wii has peaked both in terms of sales rate and mindshare, but there's no reason to suppose the system won't continue to be profitable for at least a couple more years. As others have…
An extraordinarily erudite play, my friend. Very finely done indeed.
That only served to reinforce my belief that Crysis 2 is unnaturally pretty.
Seriously. That shirt was fucking aces. Good old Fletcher.
As a general rule, I don't look a gift horse in the mouth when the gift horse has been enjoying a steady diet of crap sandwiches.
It looks ridiculous. Good ridiculous, not the bad kind... but still. Completely and absolutely bollocks.
Sorry, but you missed Omikron. It was released for the Dreamcast, and for Windows. Whatever you looked up was providing erroneous information, friend.
I think you're pretty much obligated to rock three monitors, nothing under 23"... although I'd go 24", myself. I can't remember if you went NVIDIA or AMD (ahem, ATI) for your GPU solution, but if you went ATI then I have to say Eyefinity works so well. You can never have too much desktop real estate, particularly if…
I was totally with you up until the making eye contact part. Everyone knows avoiding eye contact is way more awesome.
I'll agree with the others saying each participant should be provided one swap and/or rank switch... I think it would definitely help people to avoid drastically altering the list when they don't mean to.
I see you've obviously confused J Allard with N'Gai. Everyone knows Allard was the one in Battlefield Earth.