wild homes loves you but chooses darkness!

Just the living room, anymore... at least for consoles (360/PS3). My gaming PC is in the bedroom, but that's just because I keep the cats from coming in, they've got the run of the rest of the place. Don't like cat hair on the PC. The older-generation consoles are all boxed up in the closet.

Are you unfamiliar with Quantic Dream's other titles? They spent years on other titles, developing and refining the techniques they perfected in Heavy Rain... and those earlier works are good. Just look at Fahrenheit (Indigo Prophecy in the US). That game was one of the real gems of the last generation. You seem to

I cared about achievements in the beginning (November 2005) but I think the bloom was off the rose by early 2007. I'm just under 30,000 (I think) and if I make it to 40,000 by the end of this generation I'll be surprised. They're novel, but once people started taking them really seriously the fun died off for me.

I'm playing a bunch of crap this weekend: Dante's Inferno, Dragon Age 2, Fable 3, and maybe replaying Heavy Rain. Have to balance out the fatassyness of it all with some exercise, though. Can't do to get all heavy.

T-Mobile does permit users to select a data-only plan, though. Which works beautifully with Google Voice, as that renders the voice portion superfluous. And they're the only ones that still do, to the best of my knowledge. But perhaps they won't let her drop the voice portion of her plan until she's off-contract (this

I'm game. The first one was solid enough, and the second had a lot of good ideas and a quality story (though I found the execution lacking in many regards, particularly the controls). Heading to the present and making it about antiheroes sounds pretty interesting... and since I actually didn't despise Army of Two OR

I find that as I get older, and games are easier to come by, that it's hardly an issue if I don't finish things. CAG doesn't help, either... the chase of a great deal is almost as much fun as actually playing the titles I find. And it's always nice, to dig through a huge backlog for just the right thing to play on

Don't feel bad. Eclair was the same way— 2.0 and 2.1, both. And there were plenty of upgrades in that thing.

No, this isn't an LTE device. You're pretty much looking at the Thunderbolt and the couple of Samsung/LG devices Verizon's got pegged for late spring, at the moment.

Yeah, Android's power management is already pretty bad. If you're a serious user you've probably got two batteries already (I've got two for my Evo and most days I'll use both and I don't game on the thing at all). Second-gen Snapdragon devices (like the G2) are a bit more power-efficient, but some of my G2-packing

Yes, WP7 devices actually have a number of pretty quality titles. And the titles run on XNA, so porting games from the Arcade is pretty straightforward. It's why Ilomilo actually launched on WP7 before it came to the Arcade.

Is it, though? They're not touting any actual PlayStation experiences on the thing. They're touting Tetris. They're touting The Sims 3. They're touting a bunch of shit you've never heard of. They're not even touting PSN titles, at this early date. The important difference is that with WP7 the platform is Xbox... and

Ich. Even if I had any faith that this thing would ever see an update past Gingerbread (and in the wake of the X10 fiasco I so don't) I wouldn't choose this thing with a curiously empty speculative library over the shit-hot Xperia Arc, or the Galaxy S II. And while the 205 is decent (it's the same GPU in the G2, and

I read this marketing pitch, and it just sounds like we're going to deliver you a fantastic device that combines the great battery life of a flagship Android device with the great battery life of a PSP.

Oh, thank God. I hadn't known ca. stayed the same. Finally a usable website.

Agreed. Having to check your profile page each time you visit Gawker to see if you've got any replies is complete balls. It's hard to admit it, considering how long I've had Kotaku at the first spot in my speed dial, but with the new changes I rarely even bother checking the site. Funny how the overall direction of a

Oh. I wouldn't call those 'iOS accessories', though. I was genuinely confused... because the 30-pin connector predates all of the iOS devices, and exists on most every iPod ever made. By 'iOS accessory' I believed you meant something designed for all iOS devices, and couldn't really come up with any.

How about they save that for after we hear what Elop has to say?

I'm curious: what are the iOS accessories? Are you talking about iTunes? Because that's like calling an STD an accessory.

Jailbreaking is just an iPhone-specific term for gain root (superuser) access to the phone. It's the same thing. So yes, your warranty will be well and fully voided.