wild homes loves you but chooses darkness!

It's worth pointing out the Microsoft have been licensing WindowsCE to nearly every electronic device in the world for years and years and years. I wouldn't be surprised if my microwave has a CE build somewhere inside it. As far as gaming: conceived-outside-of-Redmond OG Xbox aside, Microsoft only made the big bet

@C22DBlueKnightOne: Nyko never recalled it, specifically, but they did a redesign where they provided an external power source for the Intercooler, and allowed owners of the first model to exchange them. The first model drew power from the 360's power supply on its way in to the system— periodically ensuring the

@Foxwolfe: That's not entirely true. You'd hit the same quadrants on the ring of light whether the PCB, solder points, and X-clamps were poor, going, or shot entirely.

@Firescorpio1: The initial design of the 360 Intercooler drew power from the system's power supply before it ran to the console itself... and when it kicked in all the fans, it could (and frequently did) brown-out the system permanently. Later revisions changed the design— in particular, I believe they added an

That was really inspiring. And ADVA sounds like a godsend for a lot of people who've previously had to miss out on some of the community experiences they've wanted to enjoy. This kid deserves some major kudos for thinking beyond his own circumstances and into the lives of others; and San Diego Studio just got even

@Devildoll: I disagree. It's kind of ridiculous to go any lower than 1000W these days... particularly if you're considering going Crossfire or SLI in the future (which we all generally do, eventually).

Wow. I'm unsure of this device in the extreme, but there is a whole mess of potential in this thing.

@RiotControl: True, it was lacking a real single-player campaign. Or a quality one, anyway.

To be honest, it kind of looks (and sounds like it plays) like Unreal Championship II: the Liandri Conflict... which was awesome, by the way.

@comodoGiz: Maybe you're unaware of this, but that comment (along with the article itself) was written on the twenty-third of June, last year. The Fascinate, Captivate, Epic, Vibrant, Vibrant 4G, and the Continuum (aka the entire North American Galaxy S line) were as-yet unreleased at that point. As was the Droid X.

Mass Effect 2 gets my vote. Red Dead Redemption felt a bit tedious to me... I appreciated the design, but the world felt less lively than Mass Effect's. And the entire game felt like returning to an old friend. The new characters were ace, too.

@nickharpalarp: There is an option in settings called don't automatically start download, check in uTorrent to see if you have that checked. Mine doesn't prompt me for confirmation before downloading, and I don't have that box marked, so maybe...

@wodistyle: Change the User Account Control settings to one of the minimal permission defaults.

@hsu1eric: In the eyes of the law, Hitler would be at the head of a criminal conspiracy to commit murder. He'd be just as responsible for the individual acts as Eichmann or anyone else. Perhaps, as my point wasn't in any way obscured by my explanation, you'd be better worrying about more pressing issues. Cheers!

@crazypills77: You should be looking more at your kernel than your ROM. That'll improve your battery life quite a bit.

@Lady Subrosa: They're not designed to be removed through usual processes. Most custom ROMs remove the bloatware, but they can also be removed with ADB or Titanium Backup... provided you're rooted (the app needs to receive superuser rights to function). Just make sure to backup those apps before you freeze and kill

Provided these documents hold up, it's becoming increasingly obvious that West and Zampella had some inappropriate relationships with the guys at EA. I expect the case will be resolved as two almost unrelated entities: the issue of the stiffed bonuses, and then the damages Activision's seeking from the Infinity Ward

@KatsumeBlisk: Samsung haven't pushed Froyo to any of the US carrier Galaxy S devices. They're fucking terrible about it.

@tgauch: But Android already has cut and paste. What are you on about?