wild homes loves you but chooses darkness!

I don't have a vote against 2K11, but I don't think it was as complete an experience as Mass Effect 2. I do, however, really enjoy the fact that 2k11 decided to bring something we rarely see in sports titles (quality storytelling) if it's technically only story retelling. Definitely a watershed title in the world of

I'm sorry, Silicon Knights... you've done some good work in the past (and I didn't even hate Too Human!) but these screens look like shiiiiiit.

@deanb: To be honest, Dean, Gates said the same thing in 2005 when he said, making a gaming console is ridiculous... we're in the business of building convergence devices.

@ak4ray005: In the completely arbitrary world of lines what are drawn in the sand, I approve of yours.

This is a fine tower. I prefer the plain, non-tard Fortress FT02 (and FT02BW, if you prefer the window) version... but it's tight, finely machined, and whisper-quiet. I approve.

I'm taking the very hands-off approach to waiting out these two devices... the PSP2 sounds like it's going to be an awesome piece of hardware that is going to require a wholly separate focus from developers to make games for... it's not going to make sense to port anything to it (if it's as powerful as rumored, at

Is there anyone who isn't already rocking the cooked Hulu.apk and the rebuilt Flash build to support it? I thought that was like Android 101. I'm less interested in the Netflix app than I am in seeing Silverlight successfully ported over, but that's cool too I guess.

Oh, lord. I'm not even sure what it is I just saw, and my crotch is so confused I don't know if it'll ever work again. Well played, Miss Anders... your plan to befuddle the male population in an attempt to curb overpopulation was very well played indeed.

When did McWhertor turn into MacCaulay Culkin? He went from a fuzzy little man-peach to a man-child. I'm in for five if we're buying McWhertor a Nugent wig to restore his former glory.

@444: Exactly. It accomplishes the same thing— removing part of the experience from the resaleable whole— and could conceivably lead to a better model wherein online costs could be measured directly against the money spent toward that specific infrastructure-need. I'm sure the resellers wouldn't love it, but it would

@Rockabully: Yeah, but a year from now no-one is going to be playing this game anymore... especially not online. You ever try finding a good match in Frontlines anymore?

I think they should just reduce the cost of new copies by $10, and charge everyone who wants to use the online functionality the extra $10... whether they buy the title new or pre-owned.

@Greg Ebdon: Actually, I believe the only two devices to enjoy support via the Sense portal are the Desires HD and Z, right? It might be awesome one day, but right now it's entirely too limited for most of us.

If I had to narrow it, I'd say I shop at Cheap Ass Gamer. The actual storefront is just the X on the treasure map. Wherever there is a deal, this is the land I call home. So many ridiculously good deals. So little time. Such a fucking long backlog.

@tjjex: Doesn't Launcher Pro Plus unlock the LP Widgets? I'd say that's a pretty useful addition.

@0xC001D00D: You know, bad decisions. Figured a GameCube would fit in nicely.

Nicely done, gentlemen. Can't wait to see what they manage next year.

@LemonMeringueTy: Seriously, terrible decision. Worst decision ever. Here is a GameCube, and two controllers.