wild homes loves you but chooses darkness!

I don't know, in a lot of ways it's more impressive than Oblivion (even modded Oblivion). And it has the virtue of just naturally being a better, more complex game than Oblivion, so I'm all for it.

I'm playing a whole bunch of stuff— Alan Wake (which I just picked up for $10), Kinect games, Nier, Limbo, Winterbottom, and more. It's nice to have a backlog!

It was a very good year. I matured a bit, got closer to being the man I want to be, and added approximately ten thousand and six games to my backlog (and I think two more arriving first post today). Got to spend some time with you quality fellows, and the lady-time is looking up as well. I'm honestly a bit excited

Ah... Korea County, Florida. That's next to Dade, right?

I'm sorry for the pain his family must be feeling, but it's a bit hard to sympathise with someone who obviously doesn't take care of his body's needs. Like when that lady died during the Wii contest... there are some things you simply shouldn't subject your body to, and the strain of repeated twelve-hour gaming

@not_a_virus.exe.vbs: That's not really accurate. Depends on the manufacturer, most of the time... and Samsung is absolutely horrendous about updates. At this point (unless you have the Epic, possibly) you'll probably have a rock-solid cooked port of 2.3 before Samsung ever pushes you 2.2...

@bdinger: I'd say ignore Toast on this one and just go Unrevoked (but run both standard and Forever to achieve S-Off, because there are a couple things you'll want the Forever hboot loader for and regular Unrevoked will goof that up). As for Myn's, I can't get with it... it has a pretty theme and is nice enough, but

I'm unsure parallax-barrier 3D is going to ever rule the roost. It's definitely nice tech— and infinitely preferable to 3D glasses— but it just doesn't seem like a compelling addition to a lot of experiences. Those it adds something to are experiences I love, but I'd hate to see it tacked on to every single thing just

Just not interested in the Zeus, or whatever the hell they're calling it. It's obviously not going to be running the same titles as the by-all-rumors-wildly-more-powerful PSP2, so what's it going to run? PS Minis? All the games from the Android Market that couldn't set the world on fire if the world was made of

@TylDurden: I like that guy because he looks like a more awesome version of John Cusack, but with zany hair. And I think he might have a scar near his mouth, which I choose to believe he got in a knife fight with Russian mobsters.

@TylDurden: If I saw Criss Angel during my day I'd take a moment to put on some rubber gloves and then leave a dollar in his begging cup. Dude looks like a seriously ill homeless junkie.

If I saw someone dressed like Ninja Theory's Dante during my day I'd take a moment to put on some rubber gloves and then leave a dollar in his begging cup. Dude looks like a seriously ill homeless junkie.

@wu-stix: There are more games that support Move at launch than support Kinect at launch, yes. But that's to be expected (especially because Sony leaned heavily on certain studios, like Quantic Dream, to shelve other projects to retrofit Move support into current library titles) because Move is closer to a traditional

@maddog050: ZING! But to be fair, the Mac versions of all these games were machined from a single piece of digital aluminum.

Less video features, more release date, BioWare. Come on, doctors, please!

@Gex: I both agree and disagree, in points... I'm unsure that Move will ever be as integrated into the PS3 experience as Kinect will be into the 360's. Microsoft has put a really big bet on Kinect, and Sony's been more reluctant to really name Move a "core" aspect of the PlayStation experience. It's like they're

At the end of 2010, I:

Looks promising, but I haven't had any problems with the Sense Clock built in to HTC devices. I don't love all aspects of Sense— and sometimes use AOSP ROMS that obviously remove it entirely— but HTC's got a pretty decent clock suite going.

I'll be playing some Kinect titles, Fable 3, and trying to wrap up Enslaved: Odyssey to the West.