wild homes loves you but chooses darkness!

@Mister_CrazyGuy: Yeah, last year's holiday sales were ridiculous. My wallet is still bruised from that... and don't get me started on the Perils of Summer sale. I added so many things to my backlog that I doubt I'll ever crawl out of it.

@Boibi: Mercs 2 is just terrible. It's all resource management and no fun. I don't know why Pandemic tried to market that game as a free-for-all, but it's practically a spreadsheet simulator.

@Gregsvo: I'm less confused by them possessing $19,000 than I am by the fact they have nineteen times as much money in checking as they do in savings.

@JeremytheIndian: With all due respect, I disagree. In roughly the same price range I'd rather grab a Kindle... the Nook Color is my target of choice, though, because it would more or less fit the needs I have for a very simple tablet.

@beowulf716: It's a nice price, but it's very hard to justify the Nook with the color model coming out...

@dotsync: I wouldn't say iOS is too glittery... but I do think iOS buries way too much information within a labyrinth of menus. It took me a while, but I think I've got a really functional Froyo setup going now.

I like Steve Wiebe— admittedly it's very hard not to like anyone who's managed to take Billy Mitchell down a peg— but I'm always amused that he looks like a fat Major Nelson.

@dotsync: I've tried MIUI and I actually walked away— it's too much eye candy for me. I prefer a heavily customised Fresh ROM, or pretty much standard Myn's Warm Treat... I just hope Cyanogen get the WiMax radio finished soon. I know they're working hard on it.

@az060693: Yeah, but my point is that the Galaxy Tab, by all accounts, chugs horribly when it encounters Flash content... it's not at all optimised for it like the Evo, Droid X, or even the proper Galaxy S phones (save for the supposedly optimised Nexus S). And really, at 7" (against 10" for the iPad), the Galaxy Tab

@Helba: Hubris is Humorous.: Don't know if I agree. I'm not a huge fan of the iPad— wish it could do more, really— but I think the Galaxy Tab is all hype and no substance. Give me a proper tablet like the Adam or such, and I'd jump. Not going to pay the slightly ridiculous on-contract prices for the Galaxy Tab when

This is an absolutely random place to find an iPad. And yeah, it's hellaciously cheap. Kudos to TJMaxx and Marshall's for the score.

I thought that trailer was pretty good. I'm actually more inclined to see this than the Green Lantern film, at least at this point... Green Lantern's first two trailers have been too slapdash (which I didn't think was possible... I mean, Hal Jordan is basically a nutter anyway, right?). This is very silly, but it fits

I don't think there's any way to save this franchise... I guess scrapping it entirely and rebuilding it from the ground up might work, but Activision is unlikely to give the developers all the time they need, so they'll probably resort to stunts. That might work in the short term, but it's not any kind of sustainable

@VicViper: I love that being open on Thanksgiving is suddenly a trend. It's fucking despicable... those people should be at home, chilling out.

@Valeria Heart: Steam does a huge run of pre-Christmas sales, but they usually start a little later, I believe... last year they had them going through something like early December through the beginning of January. Savings were ridiculous, I'm still trying to finish all that stuff I got.

Those are great deals!

@SupaKero: Understood. I was just teasing anyway, my friend. Cheers!

It's so disappointing this game wasn't designed for the PS3 and 360. It's a really novel concept, but it's the kind of thing I want to see displayed with the greatest possible fidelity. Hopefully they'll at least port it over and clean it up a bit.

@d_r_e: Nah, no hate at all. I'm looking forward to it mightily as well, but... it's just that the other one has griffons and stuff! I mean, until we can have noir + griffons we have to take what we can get, right?