wild homes loves you but chooses darkness!

@Ta0zenX: You're looking forward to this more than The Last Guardian? I'm interested in this game, but let's not get nuts, here...

@Andrew Wyatt: Agreed. I'll definitely check this one out— assuming it's not just a slapdash affair thrown together while TT were finishing up LEGO Clone Wars— but it's certainly not going to make up for losing Armada.

@d_r_e: I came in to make that exact comment. I'm glad you beat me to it. Ladies and Gentlemen, we are Floating in Space is such a fucking brilliant record.

While this game might well be coming, I don't think it's the announcement hinted at in the earlier video. Definitely looks like it's happening on Earth and resembles Shattered Steel more than anything in the Mass Effect mythology.

Wow. That's disappointing. I was actually really looking forward to this, and believed it might help to justify buying a Kinect this early in the device's life. Didn't realise so little of the game had any Kinect support. Ah well, guess I'll wait for next spring or summer for the Kinect library to grow a bit before

@SupaKero: I'm confused... you waited in line for LEGO Rock Band last year, but now you wish they were giving away a better game? My mind is blown.

@lost13wolf: Actually they stated the third would be a lot lighter than the second...

The entire little clip is a feint, and they're announcing JADE EMPIRE 2.

@jsmo5: I'm hoping you're right, because your prequel idea is awesome and I've seen a lot of awesome prequels in my day.

I don't always disagree with Bayless' opinions— although I'll concede that he consistently substitutes town-crier histrionics for well-formed concern— but in this case he's misunderstood modern gaming, this Black Ops situation, and the NBA's audience, entirely.

@zipeater: So, your rebuttal is to not do the things your first post said to do? I don't get it. You talk about using mobile sites, and disabling images by default, and then you praise the superior browsing experience you get from not doing those things? OK, I guess.

@zipeater: If you're going to do all of

@V@no: Sorry, but that's not entirely correct. Yes, there are ways to make CDMA devices support simultaneous data/voice transmissions, but it's certainly not as simple as "changing some OS/settings", and it's up to the carrier and handset manufacturer. For GSM devices, it's much easier... all GSM devices support

@NotSoSiniSter: If the phone can be rooted, it can run Wireless Tether. In fact, Wireless Tether is generally preinstalled in nearly every cooked ROM you can think of.

If you don't change the byline of all your future articles to by Fahey, Agent of Paradox, I will cry a river of blood-tears.

@Datacide: Well, the neat thing about the Nook Color is that it's essentially an Android tablet (running Eclair at the moment, but supposedly they're working on porting the UI to Froyo in the near future)... a bit light-featured right now as they don't have the Market or the B&N app store running on it, but it's still

@AgentSmithAndWesson: Well, whatshisface in charge of the game's production quit (or was pushed out the door) prior to the title's completion... and if I recall correctly, LucasArts reportedly canned TFU3 prior to the second game going gold. So I'm guessing that the problems that were all over the second game were

LucasArts just fired some more people on the Force Unleashed 2 team, out of spite. And while I'm always sorry to see people lose their jobs, I have to confess that in this case the spite might've been warranted. That game was craaaaaaaaaaaaaap.