wild homes loves you but chooses darkness!

Ooh, both Blackberry options combined scored less than any other single device on the list. That's just not good.

@badasscat: I've used both... and I'd vote G2 ahead of Epic. TouchWiz (at least on the Epic) is definitely a bit sluggish, even just when doing UI customisations. The keyboard on the G2 is actually really, really good... so I'll call that one a wash. The G2 runs more-or-less stock Android, which I prefer... and HSPA+

I'm interested in Kinect, but I generally enjoy playing games with the lights dimmed or off entirely. So I'm going to have to pass, dudes. At least until something fantastic comes out that I'll compromise my habits for— you hear me, Steel Battalion?

@bitslammer: Unfortunately, Ikea Hacker is running a bit low on well-performed hacks anymore. There are some cool enough ideas on there still, but the execution over the last year or two has been really poor. The exception to this observation is the staggeringly large number of awesome-looking, well-made cat litterbox

@Andy Ryan: Jesus. Even with the commercials removed, a full season's got to take about seventeen hours, right? That is seriously hardcore.

@Blackflash: Wow. I think I've done close to that on SVU— and almost overdosed on ice cream in the process— but you've got my undying respect for that display of determination, my friend.

@Blackflash: There should be an achievement on the 360 for streaming all the seasons of SVU and CI. It's a seriously time-consuming gauntlet to run.

@kubevubin: I've never noticed that my stream is bad— except for when I maximise the window— but I do notice it's maddeningly inconsistent. It adjusts the quality of the stream constantly for me. I've got a decent package from Comcast (16Mb/s down, I think 2Mb/s up?) that is never fully utilised, so I shouldn't ever

@NiGHTSSTUDiOdislikes2k: If I had to guess, the game is as good as canned. If they're going to launch it at all, they've got to confirm plans, and a date, prior to 2K11 dropping— or else the game's presumptive audience won't wait. And it's hard for me to imagine EA going from serious scramble mode (announcing the

@sukha54: Sorry, but I'm blaming Gawker. Sometimes the sites just go a birk every now and then.

Aaaaaaand I'm never eating nuggets again. I get that it's all largely common, the ammonia bath and the dyes and everything, but there are some things that, once seen, cannot be unseen. And those things change your life forever, even in tiny, totally macabre ways.

Aaaaaaand I'm never eating nuggets again. I get that it's all largely common, the ammonia bath and the dyes and everything, but there are some things that, once seen, cannot be unseen. And those things change your life forever, even in tiny, totally macabre ways.

@Jtown465: Resident Evil 5 still scared me a bit, even playing with a buddy. But point taken, co-op scares are a bit harder to manufacture.

@Fatehehhhh: I can't see any reason why BioShock couldn't have a co-op campaign. It certainly wouldn't be the focus of the game, but would it really hurt things to have a second playable character? Brutal Legend could be the same thing— all the RTS elements within battle would still be up to the first player, but the

@PunkyChipsAhoy: It should be criminal to make a sweet brawler in 2010 and not include online co-op.

I'm sure I'll give up before I get to most of these ranks.

@superhuffy: I don't believe the delay-er-cancellation, whatever it's going to be, had anything to do with the actual state of the game... and everything to do with the unprecendented backlash against the demo, sparked by the guy's YouTube video. After the Internet exploded, they had no choice.

@Clenchmask: Yes, you do. The boxes, when Gamefly sends them out, have never left the warehouse before. They've only been opened originally to have the disks removed... I've bought somewhere between fifteen and twenty games from Gamefly (between the store and Keep It) over the last couple years, and I've gotten a mint

@dtptampa: There's no way to argue that they don't get fewer devices. But among those devices are the first-to-market G1, the gold standard (in terms of running stock Android, having right-out-of-the-box wifi tethering, and receiving up-to-date support) Nexus, and the phone with the fastest data of anything available

@geiko: I'm all for this, provided the games are more like early SSX and not like On Tour, which wasn't so hot.