Amusingly enough, there were female fighter pilots in WWII, decades before the Star Wars movies were even made. In real life.
Amusingly enough, there were female fighter pilots in WWII, decades before the Star Wars movies were even made. In real life.
If I intend to buy a game, I'm usually following its development before the box art is even finalized. I never "browse" game stores.
I'll just graft this thing to the lower half of my body. And install a scorpion tail with a lethal LIPC electrolaser.
Yes! Cyberpunk dystopia, here we come! :D
There are people who enjoy the show, including myself, who think that Gameloft are a bunch of money-grubbing assholes and that the iOS game is a worthless time sink, just like the vast majority of annoying F2P-model iOS games.
You're missing the point. The problem I have with all this "grow a pair" talk is the underlying implication that possessing male genitalia is always preferable, or that it grants one the authority to be an arbiter of all things good, or that the opinions and perspectives of those lacking male genitalia are irrelevant.…
You know, the mythical Tiresias was right. Of ten parts, a man enjoys one only. Sex is just plain better for women. Why the fuck do you think they moan so much in that freaky porn you're always watching, since you can't get laid?
Yep, you're definitely a virgin.
What I find immensely amusing about all this is that you actually think masculinity is some kind of mathematically-quantifiable quotient. Is it like binary? Is it like 0 or 1 masculinity? Or is it a sliding scale from 0 - 999? Are you going to start using algebraic formulae to describe it?
Better than being a loser at everything, including life. Speaking of which, what do you do for a living, anyway? I'm a fuckin' merchant mariner. Engine department. I work on diesels that are as big as your house, which is in all likelihood a hand-me-down trailer.
Congrats "MRA". Lauren Faust, a known feminist has successfully rustled your jimmies and has made you butthurt. Times have indeed changed and men have became whiny. Grow a pair of cerebral lobes you fuck wit and go find your general education diploma that you lost years ago. Daddy beat you with broken beer bottles or…
Personally, I'm open to seeing all sorts of awful excesses in fiction. Because - get this - it's fiction. Fiction is supposed to evoke some sort of reaction from the audience, be it joy, sadness, anger or outright disgust. This whole thing of smacking fiction with labels and calling it "creepy" or "objectifying" is…
"... the more elaborate your layout, preparation, or even construction, the more stupid and ridiculous you're going to feel after you've cum..."
MLP:FiM references The Big Lebowski. Your argument is invalid.
You think that's bad? Some of the internal documents from my workplace would put you in a coma.
Full lucid dreaming-level VR that directly interfaces with someone's central nervous system is a quantum leap ahead of things like headsets and motion-tracking. The technology to do something like Sword Art Online won't exist for decades. Possibly a century or more.
I don't even think it was corrective. It was a ritual. It could have been anything. I think they were using it to try and "ward off gayness", with their homosexual acts ironically factoring in somehow. Like, they had sex with each other to signify "what they are", and then raped her to show "what they must become", or…
It's even worse than that. They killed her and then faked her suicide note.
I used to be a die-hard AMD fan. I plan on actually building an i7-2600k machine soon. Damn thing is basically flawless.
Harlequin ichthyosis pony?