I want this game so badly, in spite of the Korean MMO-level faces and terrible Bethesda-quality running animations.
I want this game so badly, in spite of the Korean MMO-level faces and terrible Bethesda-quality running animations.
I used to dream of being a game developer, as a composer and sound designer. Not anymore. I don’t want to work in an industry that can simply fire legends like Marty O’Donnell and Hideo Kojima. If it’s all the same to you guys, I think I’ll keep oiling big marine diesels until my hearing’s all gone.
“I use antlers in all of my deeeeecorating.”
The Indian-head test pattern has been around since before video games. No joke.
Go. Hunt. Kill Skuls.
I work for the state on a union contract. It's pretty hard for me to get fired, in any case. I would have to literally threaten to shoot my boss in the head for them to give me the boot. Which, incidentally, one of my diabetic, mentally-ill co-workers actually did, and they still haven't fired him yet.
It's like the foot from Monty Python's Flying Circus.
What would you prefer? An androgynous, inoffensive blob of nothingness? Are cartoonishly exaggerated proportions of any kind considered a crime, now? Jeez, why can't you just let people have their escapism?
I'm not sure if I reached that point, per se, but my break-up with Christianity was followed by a period of cynicism toward the idea of religion. I thought it bred mean, closed-minded people, that it was—more often than not—a well-disguised tool for manipulation. Or more than that: a Batman-style utility belt of…
Like it or not, you are a tool of the establishment, which hates freedom and individuality and seeks to impose conformism from above. For all your kind's talk about things being "problematic" or "toxic", I can think of nothing more problematic or toxic than that.
You do know there are such things as centrists, right? Most of the opposition to so-called social justice warriors has come from left-libertarians who are sick and tired of being run roughshod over by the left-authoritarians who think that public ridicule, mob rule, moral absolutism and totalitarianism are preferable…
My vast collection of exotics disagrees with you.
The reason for aiming down the sights in real life has less to do with merely looking over the top of the gun, and more to do with simple geometry and ergonomics. The closer the weapon's bore axis is to your head, the less parallax between what you see and where you aim. Also, sighted shots bring the bore axis in line…
As a twenty-something-year-old who's finally learning how to drive stick, what I can't believe is how much split-window VW Type 2s are going for, nowadays. I just got a '63 Karmann Ghia that I plan on restoring and customizing out the wazoo with the help of my gearhead dad, but I'd really like to have a Transporter…
Some billionaires are insanely frugal with their money. Why? Sitting in a bank account, it will only continue to decline in value as inflation increases. Better to have tangible assets that can be resold. God knows if I had a couple billion sitting around, I'd buy an old missile silo and turn it into a sweet bachelor…
It probably would have sounded very similar to this:
The inmates are running the asylum.
When I saw that part, I was like "Oh sweet, 3D Frogger."