Train Dodger

We Americans have been bamboozled into thinking our connections are fast because we don't have any basis of comparison. Not having lived abroad for any reasonable length of time, 16 to 25 megabits downstream is all we've ever known. Thus, we remain contented sheeple, not realizing just how much the providers are

This is good news. As a typist capable of 117 words per minute, I despise these flat-keycap "chiclet-style" laptop keyboards that have been in vogue lately. They get me down to 70-80 wpm.

Well, I find that amusing, because most of us gamers want nothing to do with you, either.

He's using a mechanical pencil. To be more precise, a Pentel Smash. I know, because I own one. It's probably one of the nicest mechanical pencils to ever come out of Japan. You can put pencil lead of any hardness grade in a mechanical pencil.

Don't tell Sage, he'll nerf it!

There's that word again. Problematic. Don't you just love it? Problematic. It perfectly encapsulates the social justice warrior worldview. It seems to suggest that we're all part of some great herd of terrestrial herbivores, with the consumption of provocative or transgressive media being likened to meat that our

It does leave out the yaw. Another, possibly even better way to do it that preserves the six degrees of movement fully would be to have L-Trigger fire rockets and R-Trigger fire guns, and use the bumpers as "shift" buttons, with LB turning the left thumbstick from Strafe L/R and Forward/Reverse to Strafe L/R and

Having met Marty before, the circumstances behind his departure from Bungie really tainted the game for me. Almost enough for me to want to boycott it. I'm an amateur composer. He's my hero, man. You do not fire my hero.

>Went to a dealership for an oil change.

To be honest, this doesn't bother me at all. Destiny is a multiplatform game? I'm a multiplatform gamer. Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo... each generation, I make a point of collecting all of them.

A lot of the people I've played GTA Online with... seem to be way, way too young to be playing GTA Online.

Haha, they made Magnus look like The Scotsman.

It's an acquired taste. When I was a bit younger, I thought using glitches to skip to the end violated the spirit of the game, but now, I see it as a game unto itself, and I appreciate these almost zen-like runs that take advantage of every possible shortcut.

My dad has both a foot fetish and a car fetish. I don't think he ever once thought to combine the two. Some very creative folks out there, I must say.

Nope. It's not shadow mapping. It's the smoothing of the normals. Normal mapping is when you create a texture that affects how light hits an object and gives it the illusion of depth. Face normals (or surface normals) are the... well, you can think of them as a flagpole sitting perpendicular to a surface (a polygon)

Because if there's anything that gets me excited for a project, it's weapon models with unfinished textures and screwed-up face normals due to improper boolean operations, and level designs that look suspiciously like concrete hallways and empty heightmapped terrain.

I pretty much don't get hangovers. I drink till I drop, and all I wake up with is a slightly cottony mouth.

I... hmm. I was not actually aware of those etymologies until now. But now that you've informed me of them, I shall begin chastising people for misusing those words as well. XD

No, that is actually what it means, even if the real meaning of the word has been lost in modern times.