If I press down on the roof, does it dispense espresso from the tailpipe?
If I press down on the roof, does it dispense espresso from the tailpipe?
I was being facetious. After Halo: Glasslands revealed that the next version of MJOLNIR had amazing SELF-UPGRADING NANOTECH LOLZ, I thought I'd joke around a bit and apply the same logic to the Mk. VI.
I kinda hear you on that. So far, it's something like this:
Before DS2 came out, people were complaining that it had been action-ized and the horror elements had been taken out. When it finally came out, their fears were almost completely invalidated. The game was still quite scary. I mean, who didn't wee themselves a little when they first faced the Stalkers? Or the Tormentor?
My great grandfather was one of the Doolittle Raiders, a real American hero. Being a crew member aboard a medium bomber with a light load of conventional bombs, penetrating deep into enemy territory without fighter cover, now that takes incredible guts. In his own words, he and his wing avenged Pearl Harbor. As far as…
Relax, people. Japanese folk are smart enough to know Twitter trolls when they see them.
Some self-defense experts say that Concealed Carry is better because the deterrent effect of Open Carry will cause criminals to pick another victim, one who may be unarmed and unable to defend themselves. "Open Carry protects only you, but Concealed Carry protects everyone," I believe the saying goes. Basically, the…
In most jurisdictions in the US, it's perfectly legal to carry a firearm without a CCW permit, provided that the weapon is clearly visible on your body. It's called Open Carry.
You'd think that after picking up so much equipment and combat experience from the first two games and surviving so much bullshit that Isaac would be prepared for just about anything the Necromorphs can throw his way. If anything, the series should reflect Isaac Clarke's growth from an Action Survivor into an…
Yes, that's just what I was about to say. I could get another Das AND a Filco for that money.
Now that I recall, he did seem oddly quiet about it. I saw the Gamertag Absath with the all-too-obvious clan tag of CAD, and said "hey, it's the guy who does that webcomic", and he was like "uhh... uhuh *mumble mumble*", all while I continued racking up kills. It was an FFA match on LVU Campus. I don't think he liked…
I hear that. I've got four mechanical keyboards in my collection, so far:
That Nerf NOW!! reminds me of that one time I dominated Tim Buckley in a game of Rainbow Six Vegas.
I played the demo, and I could barely stand it for a few moments. Your NPC party members never freakin' shut up. I wanted to strangle the life out of them.
This is how 90% of all concept art is done; by using existing stock images and visual motifs to fill in the details and flesh things out. Have you ever seen the concept art for Halo's Spartan Laser? It's basically got the scope and vents from an FN F2000 mounted to it. The Assault Rifle from Halo actually HAS those…
You mean /mlp/, right? Right?
And here's Season Two. First two episodes have John de Lancie of Star Trek fame. Seriously, they got Q to voice the villain. How cool is that?
Dude, there have always been adult fans of cartoons. Just because most of them happen to be targeted at kids, that doesn't mean that their producers don't include pop culture references and double entendres for adults to enjoy.
Yeah, I know that feeling. Backlights? Sheesh. I don't have a lighted keyboard. I have a keyboard with blank keycaps, because I can type over a hundred words per minute while blindfolded. It's really not that hard.