Don't underestimate kids. I could read and print at a high school level when I was six. In fact, I'm such a heavy keyboard user these days that I'm worse with a pen or pencil now than I was when I was her age.
Don't underestimate kids. I could read and print at a high school level when I was six. In fact, I'm such a heavy keyboard user these days that I'm worse with a pen or pencil now than I was when I was her age.
What this new system essentially seems to do is hide every other comment tree except the most popular one. The result? You won't get any replies unless you're one of the first to comment on an article, and if you miss that window, you'll need to reply to somebody else to even get noticed.
It's different when it's a prosthetic. It's like someone taking issue with a part of your body.
Wow. A bunch of internet tough guys actually decided to man up and make good on their playground threats for once?
Why aren't there photos of a 250 GTO crash? Seriously?
Is it just me, or is the Laugh Factory where comedians go to scrap their entire careers?
If you're starting from the beginning and watching them in sequence, keep watching. It gets better.
Yep, heheh. Reusable flash symbols sure are convenient. What's funny is that the show itself is done in the last Macromedia-branded version of the program from 2005, not the Adobe versions that succeeded it. Still kinda pisses me off that Adobe and Autodesk bought all those smaller companies up to flesh out their line…
Because nobody has the attention span for stealth games these days, 'cept us.
You know what's even worse than this? When you pick a handle that is easy to make fun of.
Between the first two games, this is the one that actually needed to be remade. If I recall, the Xbox version had some backwards-compatibility issues with the Xbox 360 that created weird visual glitches.
But you can claw with a 360 controller. You can't claw with this thing.
22 minutes * 52 episodes = 19 hours, actually. Trust me when I say that there are plenty of worse ways someone could spend their time, and that's a pretty hefty endorsement coming from me.
If you're saying it's lame-brained, that means you haven't actually watched a whole episode yet. They're all up on YouTube, so get cracking. Put "my little pony season x episode x" (where x is the season/episode number in question) into a YouTube search string to find the others. There are currently two seasons…
Y'know, one time, about ten years ago, I was over at my cousins' place, and I brought my Dreamcast along with me. I played Sonic Adventure for a bit, and gave them a turn at it. Well, now, they're literally Sonic-obsessed. Last time I saw them, they both had Sonic tees on.
It's a minigun. If they wanted less-lethal, they wouldn't be using gatling-type weapons, since these things are lethal no matter what. All it takes is one stray round to the eyes, or the cranium, or even to the vital organs (potentially causing life-threatening contusions), and these things spray 'em out like there's…
Do you know what pisses me off the most about this debate? The double-standards we have about human bodies. There seems to be this notion that the entire female organism is somehow sexual.
Did somebody say Snark?
Anything that emulates the 360 controller's ergonomics to any degree is a good controller design, in my book.