Train Dodger

Hitomi's ability to drive opponents into walls is insane. I kinda got lucky once and got a Perfect with her online, on the Tritower Heliport stage. Smashed the dude against the electrified fence about four or five times in the span of a few seconds. He was like "whatever". It was hilarious. I used to be semi-practiced

These things aren't tanks. They are immense battleships that drive on land.

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Skyrim's game world is big, at about 41 square kilometers. But if you want a really big environment in a game more recent than Daggerfall, you might want to try Fallen Earth. Now that's big. 1000+ square kilometers. That's like the difference in size between the Pitcairn Islands and Hong Kong. You could fit like 24

A Baneblade weighs 319 metric tons. A Bolo weighs up to 32,000 metric tons, depending on the version. A hundred Baneblades. It weighs as much as a hundred Baneblades. It has plasma turrets that shoot megaton-yield beams of death. It has barrier fields that actually absorb the weapon energy directed at the tank and

Screw Gundams. What we need are Bolos! FOR THE HONOR OF THE REGIMENT!

I hearted you for this. Made me laugh my ass off, especially given the context.

You know what I like about Hawken? It's one of the very few games I've seen that actually manages to recreate the atmosphere of its concept art. I can't tell you how many times I've seen an awesome piece of concept art that translated into an in-game environment with muted, lifeless lighting and generic design. Like

These guys are fast. Usually no more than 6 to 30 hours, from start to finish.

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Here's some Pat Condell, since you clearly need it.

Fuck you right back, you multiculturalist appeaser ass-wad. I don't want to be on your boat, anyway. You're astoundingly arrogant for thinking that I would want to even set foot on such an ill-fated contraption. As a matter of fact, your pretty little boat ran into a giant iceberg a while ago, and now there's a huge

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The difference in training between the US and Iraqi forces in those battles seriously eclipsed the difference in equipment. The Republican Guard were caught with their pants down. Literally.

I hear it tastes like pork. They don't call humans "long pig" in Polynesia for nothing, you know.

Islam and Islamic culture is the very essence of bigotry. The Qur'an is a manual for bigots. This is one of the reasons why I find it highly ironic that people who identify themselves as being in opposition to Islam and Islamic culture would be labeled bigots. Is it really so wrong to be intolerant of something which

I'm sick of seeing people defend and appease Islam and Islamic culture. It is indefensible. There's nothing racist about saying that. I don't hate these people for the color of their skin. I hate them for what they choose to believe. Islam cannot peacefully coexist with other religions or creeds. The whole point of

Hey, it's probably better than the nursing home he'll end up in after he gets out of jail.

The human body didn't evolve sleeping on soft, cushy mattresses.

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Yes, because Chinese people are a consumer good. Apparently, you can purchase them. Or parts of them, at least.

Yes, but were they wearing their masks?