Train Dodger

Hey, at least this is completely consensual, unlike what Jeffrey Dahmer did.

Sleeping on hard surfaces is actually good for you:

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ACU is too cold and bluish. There's nothing wrong with the digital pattern. The colors are messed up. It only works well in certain rocky, urban or tundra environments, and only when the sky is overcast. The idea behind using monochrome tones is that the camouflage "warms up" when it's hit by sunlight and looks more

I make furniture in my garage. Out of steel.

Oh yeah. That's right. I really, really wanna sit my ass on a wood pallet covered in pesticides, fungicides, formaldehyde and toxic wood treatments with long, unpronounceable names. Seriously? Is the Idiocracy here already?

Is that a gate to Narnia in that fridge?

The technology to do augmented-reality simulations that are more sophisticated than this is already available. The only problem is integrating all those patented ideas together in a single product.

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The F-22 reminds me of the GRX from Speed Racer. Yeah, it's a wonderful piece of engineering, but little thought was given to the health and safety of the living, breathing human being unfortunate enough to be placed inside it.

It was easy. Too easy. I looked up the results of the blood tests, and went over the list of chemicals. Propane and antifreeze I could understand, but PAO? Where was that coming from? It's a synthetic oil, apparently a cousin of the same sorts of polymers used to make shrink wrap and Crocs shoes. I know I sure as heck

Haha, yeah. It does kinda look like a Deckman (in the original Japanese editions of the manga, they were simply called Cylinders; the Viz adaptation changes a lot of things).

I have, but not while playing. I was disassembling a wireless Xbox 360 controller to replace the worn-out thumbsticks, when one of the annoying goddamn security torx screws wouldn't come out. So, in a fit of rage, I cut it open the rest of the way with a pair of diagonals, right through the plastic casing. You do not

But I read there were toxins detected in their bloodstreams:

Of course they want this document to disappear from the web. These are business strategies we're talking about, here. They don't really care if a consumer reads it, because that won't affect their bottom line one bit. They just don't want their competitors seeing it and developing a counter-initiative.

I'm not that impressed. Equivalents to these systems have existed for decades.

Y'know, I'm tired of netbooks, smartphones and tablets. Just give me a heavy-duty laptop with decent battery life, and I'm good to go.

A mixture of all four, I think. I'm not certain.

What is this warm wetness running down my cheeks? Are these... tears?

The problem with that little idea is that you'd be using a Kinect while blind to your real-world environment. Furniture, meet shins. Head, meet floor.

I love British humor. Humour. However you want to spell it. Frankly, I think the British spellings are more correct about ninety percent of the time. For example, what moron thought it would be a good idea to shorten "catalogue" to "catalog", huh? Anyway, I digress.