Train Dodger

What I want is Scrivener for iOS.

There's a mod for M&B Warband called Combat Animation Enhancements that alters some of the fighting animations to resemble actual medieval European fencing techniques, like the kind found in Hans Talhoffer's Fechtbuchen. I recently became interested in this topic after seeing a National Geographic presentation on

I recommend substitution with carbon monoxide.

No, Conservatives really do hate metaphors and allegory. It's like some kind of secret code they can't understand.

I'll tell you what's going on. The powers-that-be are trying to deny women access to abortion and contraceptives because they want there to be an overpopulation crisis, so they have an excuse to haul us all off to FEMA camps, gas us, incinerate the corpses, dump the ashes in huge caskets and warehouse those caskets in

Your debating tactics are awful. A cliche if there ever was one. I've seen this pattern so many times. It goes kind of like this:

Accurate to within half a gram. Nice.

The main problem with bionic implants is trying to get machinery to communicate with living tissue. The image is primitive because the man-machine interface is primitive. There is so much that science does not yet know about the human nervous system. Trust me, by 2040, we're going to be seeing things a whole lot

I was speaking generally, and I think you'll like what you see if you bother to read the rest of my post. And yes, I did read that blog post from front to back.

Nonsense, Mr. Spector. What we need is more violence. Violence that crosses all boundaries. Gore that is so artful and overblown that you feel awe instead of disgust. Hundreds of torsos being ripped and cleaved in half, spilling enough blood to fill several Olympic swimming pools. Beheadings, often several at once,

Hahahah. Yes.

I absolutely despise that debating tactic people use where they link you to some sort of two-bit essay or blog post or blog essay to back up their own statements, mainly because I hate blogs. Blogs with comment systems are nothing more than message board forums where the original poster is always the admin, and

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It's because Google threatened to pull their advertising revenue, because somebody found a few of the trope pages offensive and shot off an email complaining about it. Though, to be quite frank, there is such a thing as going a little too far to catalogue everything in fiction.

It's just as they say. TVTropes will ruin your life.

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If Tomb Raider were realistic, Lara would have gotten sepsis and died after that first puncture wound.

Depressingly enough, this dynamic is mirrored by real life, to a certain degree. I mean, it's frighteningly easy for a male human being to see a female human being as a woman first and a person second. They've been conditioned by society and their upbringing to act like man = default, woman = variation. The Same

That what shit is wrong? The contents of a piece of fiction? Surely, you must be joking.

How many DOA drives do you think there would be in a batch of eighty?

Rule 63, bud. No exceptions.