Time Played: 146 Hours, 32 Minutes
Time Played: 146 Hours, 32 Minutes
Glad to see that Japan still knows how to make uber-cheesy B-Movies for me to get drunk and do impromptu MSTing sessions with.
They draft up a plan to address sexism against men... and then they include copious amounts of poor grammar, profanity and homophobic language in that plan. The core idea of their work is sound; men in video games do seem rather disposable at times. However, just because the topic merits analysis, that doesn't mean…
Is that Megurine Luka's tuna he's got there?
I didn't need someone to tell me it was a parody of old grindhouse flicks. The whole thing screamed exploitation film at me.
Huh. Clever deal they've got going there. Rip out the hard drive, sell it separately, and then stuff a cheapo thumb drive into the case along with some hot-glued weights to give it the heft of a real HDD and sell that too. If someone gave me one of these things, I'd be able to tell something was up the second I…
You think that's modest? I'm still running an AMD Athlon 64 X2 6400+ dual-core CPU, 4GB of DDR2 800 RAM, and an ATI Radeon HD 3870 with 512 MB of VRAM.
The very same thing could be said of any number of plot devices that simultaneously prove the evilness of the antagonist(s) and the stoic resolve of the protagonist(s). The reason why people so frequently resort to depicting sexual violence in fiction is because it's unfortunately the first thing that most people…
Things Lara does in the E3 trailer:
I wouldn't get any of those. I'd get an implanted throat microphone and bone conduction speakers, because the technology to do it exists today. No more fumbling for earbuds or worrying about misplacing my Bluetooth headset when using a smartphone or listening to music on the go.
Akihiro Otani sounds like the kind of guy who just loves to hear himself talk. He probably faps while reading his own editorials. I think I'll start calling him Akihiro Onani.
We need to create a special counter-terrorism task force composed of armed individuals wearing these suits. The psych-out factor alone would render our enemies utterly helpless.
Oh, and this is Half-Life Firearms 3.0. Unlike CS, it has guns that actually work properly. Yet another wonderful GoldSrc mod with a playerbase that withered and died away for no good reason. I can always get into a game of CS, which I detest. But FA 3.0? There are like, no servers. Okay, maybe one server. Let me…
I've seen plenty of clan servers where the admins were in on it. And then, of course, there are the players that are simply so good at the game that they literally have pixel-perfect aim, and you can't tell whether they're cheating or not when they headshoot you with an AWP approximately 100 milliseconds after you…
Oh god, I love Dynasty Warriors. I don't really know why. It's like... I start playing it, and part of me wants to hate the antiquated production values and the repetitiveness, and another part of me wants to DOMINATE THE BATTLEFIELD. Once you get into it, it's addictive as hell.
Y'know, I despise Counter-Strike. The lack of respawns, the shooting dynamics, the aimbotters everywhere, and the people who are so ridiculously precise with the AWP and AK after years of dedicating themselves to nonstop CS play that you'd think they were botting even when they're not.
Steam is fantastic. How long has it been since you last used it? They've patched it so many times that it no longer deserves the shitty reputation it once had.
This news makes my bunghole itch.
Yeah, the infrared heaters and jigs and stuff are a couple thousand bucks. If you run a repair shop, it pays for itself very, very quickly, though.