Train Dodger
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Xbox 360s fail because of a combination of poor engineering and the crappy lead-free, eco-friendly solder that Microsoft uses. All it takes is one solder joint in the ball grid array on the GPU failing, and the thing will throw an error when you power it on.

Mel Gibson reminds me of my dad. My dad who still admires him after hearing those recordings of the blowout between him and Oksana. Especially after hearing those recordings.

When my dad saw that part of the presentation, he was like "Is that a flashback?" and I was like "No, it's-..." and then he finally got it, and he was like "Oh, it's not in-game! It's out-game."

Don't make me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry.

Prequels notwithstanding, the story ended on a cliffhanger in Halo 3. We're all curious about what happens to the Chief in this new trilogy. If you read the Halo tie-in novels, you'd realize that this series has a pretty richly-detailed storyline, and that's what keeps people like me coming back to it.

Wait a minute; 15 to 20 minutes per chapter and five chapters per weekly episode? 75 to 100 minutes of new co-op gameplay every week? For months?

It actually seems like a pretty crafty plan; use a piece of software running on existing cutting-edge portable hardware to inject life into an aging device, and then simply port the concept over to the next console hardware generation to give it even more functionality than it would have had otherwise. In a way, it

I always hate it when people try to nitpick alternate-historical works that take real-world events and clearly twist or fictionalize them beyond the bounds of reality. You could say it's a pet peeve of mine, because it's rare that works of pure fiction receive such scrutiny.

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Sony's E3 '06 press conference was the best anything, ever, of all time. RIDGE RACERRRR, $599 US Dollars, Real Time Weapon Change and, of course, the Giant Enemy Crab, whose weak spot you had to hit For Massive Damage. Truly, unforgettable.

Yes, even the menu music. God, I hate that music so much. It's not even what I'd call electronica. It's some kind of awful eurobeat-trance crap alongside some the most generic power-chord alt-rock I've ever heard. It is musical torture, worse than anything that ever happened at Abu Ghraib.

What makes Master Chief stronger than Marcus Fenix is that his enemies are eight-foot-tall alien freaks with plasma weaponry that would melt a Gear's head clean off in about two seconds flat.

The S-II + MJOLNIR weighs about 450kg, IIRC. The suit minus the wearer is about ~300kg, give or take twenty.

Just what are you expecting from seven-year-old hardware, anyway?

Am I the only one who finds the soundtracks of all the Forza games to be absolutely appalling? Seriously. The first thing I do when I get a Forza game is mute the music so I can hear the sweet, sweet engines roar.

I don't touch my wiener when I pee. I don't use my fly, either. I just kinda pull my pants and underwear down and use my hips to direct the stream. Don't really see why I'd need to wash my hands after that.

Haha, I saved it with DownloadHelper like I always do whenever something gets leaked.

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As far as hand grenades go, they technically aren't powerful enough. I played the Reach beta, when the frag grenades worked like they did in H:CE. They had a huge blast radius, like any real grenade should. Real hand grenades have a lethal radius of around five meters, or the length of a Warthog. That's a circle ten

I think it actually looks pretty badass.

How is it fetishized? Is it the camera angles, or is it all just in everybody's heads?

Who's to say that Lara isn't getting stronger after receiving a few doses of adversity? Quite frankly, I think the only thing that makes this any different from a man receiving the same treatment (Rambo, anyone?) is that it's a woman getting her face bloodied, which plays off of the audience's deepest fears about