Train Dodger

You'd be making the exact same sound if your torso were pierced by a chunk of rebar, only it'd probably be higher-pitched.

There's a reason for the random targeting. It's because they think it makes them look centrist and moderate instead of leftist and extremist. When you go after specific targets, you start building an identity, associating yourself with preexisting groups and ideologies whether you want to or not. You are no longer

If any game deserves to be called "Gears of Ghostduty", that would be Spec Ops: The Line. I kinda-sorta liked the demo, but damn. It's literally a GOW clone. Same engine and everything. The enemies just die faster when you shoot at them.

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Stuxnet worked by helping operators remotely upload destructive programs to the PLCs that ran the centrifuges at the Natanz plant. The result? They went over normal operating RPM. Kablooie. Possibly millions of dollars of damage. It's not like random hackers out there can make your computer explode the same way. This

I've got a Rebel T1i, and I'd personally love to have a 5D (a big, big step up in terms of picture quality). I took over 2,200 shots with my T1i during a road trip through the Cascades. It takes damned good photos, though the sensor in the T1i is reputed to produce slightly fuzzier images than its successors.

I've already got that covered. Got myself some Sanyo Eneloops. I leave two in the charger on the wall. When my batteries start running down, I wait until I'm in the postgame lobby and then swap them ninja-style in about twelve seconds.

Yeah, I mean, he was freakin' growling at officers. And naked. And eating a guy's face. That has to count for something.

My Body is Reggie

What I wanna see is that Halo 4 presentation. Been waiting all year for the return of the Chief.

Piss on Twilight and their sissy vampires. Vampires are supposed to be terrifying. Less Pattinson, more Lugosi.

I've got another weird thing that happens, too. If somebody tries waking me up when I've only had about two hours of sleep, I'll almost invariably start sleepwalking. When I was a little kid, I used to fall asleep on the couch every now and then, and my mom would move me to my bed.

I have something weird going on in my brain. Whenever I go to sleep with a specific time in mind, with the sense that I must wake up shortly before it or miss out on something important otherwise, I almost invariably wake up right on time. And I wake up with a start, too. Quite unpleasant. Sudden gasp, heart racing.

Not fake. Definitely the real deal.

"I am sworn to carry your burdens."

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In a word, no. A typical combat or survival knife with a good edge, when swung with sufficient force, will go right through flesh and even bone. Heck, some of these damned things can even chop a 2x4 in half in mere seconds. These things aren't dull kitchen knives. They're on a whole 'nother level. If I saw someone

It's okay, folks. He was just going for Prestige Points.

I just did a test of sorts where I pressed the J key on my keyboard as fast as I could for one minute. I ended up with 389 characters, or an average of 6.48 presses per second, or once every 150 milliseconds. When I really push myself for short periods, I can get just one of my fingers to press a key over 8 times a

Y'know, I always find it funny when people say that DVD-Rs and CD-Rs wear down over time, because I've had some lying around for over a decade in paper sleeves in the bottom of a dusty old cardboard box that work just fine! XD

Yep, Image-Line added hyper-threading support to FL Studio in version 9, I think. If I got a 2600K, I'd OC it on air at 4.3 GHz or so. It's supposed to run pretty stable at 1.32v, but I'd be watching those temps very closely.

Y'know, I just can't shake the feeling that a cult-like organization is secretly gathering these pieces for a dark ritual of some sort.