Train Dodger

Y'know, I know that's not what he's doing, but somehow, I got it in my mind that the guy in the photo's miming cunnilingus, and now I can't unsee it.

"it makes ir very hard to believe by your well edited, one sided arguments that show no knowledge of foreign business practices, foreign culture, the emotions of other people, or proper workplace etiquette."

"Even if I could overlook Schwarz's lack of empathy towards suicide and problematic generalizations on mental illnesses (it's obvious he knows nothing about either, or he wouldn't have made those idiotic comments)"

I've hit the new Slim's eject button by leaning against the console before. Twice. While reaching for a window behind it.

I've seen white babies with spinal muscular atrophy that were not as lame as this commentator.

I didn't say what I did out of anger. I said it because I was upset. I'm sick of seeing people giving in to bullying and developing feelings of entitlement - to compensation, a steady job, treatment for mental illness or maybe even simple compassion from others - when they could be so much stronger than that (or at

No, I'm not trolling. I'm just a cynical bastard. It takes all kinds, right? ;)

Why not just start wearing contacts?

"Each company culture is inward looking, so outside graphic engines and programming tools have generally been avoided. This is why SE takes years to program its Final Fantasy engines from the ground up."

Interesting. Here in America, we usually value prior employment experience and encourage people to extract the culture and work ethic from other companies and find ways to introduce it seamlessly into the mix. People are expected to know what they're doing, instead of having their boss hold their hand every step of

Then Capcom's HR people don't know what they're doing. because they're hiring the wrong people. If you want to work at a big development studio with an international presence, you should probably have some experience beforehand. Maybe five to ten years in a smaller studio, or working as a contractor. To be quite

Read this report all the way through:

Those upper management morons are cut from the same cloth as the struggling employees. They also lack creativity, substituting Powerpoint presentations and empty, soulless pep talk for real innovation. The only difference is that they have more connections. A whole lot of those jerks got their positions and $100k a

You know what? I hate to play devil's advocate when it's clear that she's gone through a lot of hardship and stressful situations over this, but maybe her bosses were right. I've known people like her. People who can't really create anything new or contribute anything of worth, so they sit down in meetings and come up

One man's externally-imposed self-control is another man's tyranny.

At least Ririko's cosmetic surgery wasn't done by Madaraki Fran. She'd be an amorphous blob of meat by now.

2 kids, 1 sandbox

Especially since it's biologically-impossible, I might add.