Train Dodger

When I went to get my license, I used the restroom at the DMV and - I kid you not - someone had done a massive shit on the floor. Given my own experience with that horrid place (being asked for proof of residency and having to come and wait in line on three separate days for two to four hours each time), it was

We need more hackers, not less. Adversity breeds strength. Without people to test the limits of network and computer security, the technologies we use to protect vital infrastructure will stagnate.

Y'know, way back in the day, I played Buckley in a round of Rainbow Six Vegas on LVU Campus, FFA Deathmatch. I creamed everybody. Every time I hear about this particular strip, the recollection hits me, and I get a massive grin on my face.

I actually do agree with you in that fundamentally we are not different from one another, in terms of any of us being able to boast about our "righteousness." I have no more room to boast than Breivik or Hitler does, though the latter and more recently the former have seemingly been propped up as examples of "truly

Vomit, vomit, vomit. Vomit.

As for people being "essentially the same as anyone else," how do you know this? People sometimes have differing priorities and objectives even within a specific sect of religion, let alone across differing religions* or outside of them altogether.

For me, I think it's just the opposite. I'd rather someone do good or evil acts of their own will than because of group indoctrination.

"His points of the extremism of Islam are relatively valid, but he isn't looking at all religion in a historical context, and he's being ironically intolerant.. They've all taken their turn being savage. The muslim/middle eastern world USED to be the center of knowledge and progress. Things change..."

The nature of your reply is telling. Rather than confronting the issue at hand - the appalling behavior of Muslims in Islamic countries - you use this as an opportunity to call my character into question. Say that I'm playing a blaming game. This isn't about me; this is about what those people do with their lives.

Islam is intolerance. The Quran - much like the Bible - preaches intolerance and bigotry in every single chapter. Maybe if you put aside your PC brainwashing for a moment and read a few passages from the thing, you'd realize what an abomination it is. Anybody who treats such a wicked text as the word of god must be

You and me both, pal. You and me both. XD

I've disassembled both 360 controllers and DualShock 3s, and they both have surprisingly similar internals. The DualShocks are much harder to put back together, though.

It is kind of relaxing, isn't it?

Well, my friend, that's why we have mods.

Skyrim's was marginally better than Oblivion's, if only because they dropped Facegen and went with their own proprietary - if a bit pared-down - morphing system.

I saw the knife first. I'm paranoid that way.

Now playing

Oh, trust me. There are plenty of Christians that have a lot to answer for, too. Westboro Baptist Church, for example. Protesting funerals? That's beyond the pale. Joseph Kony is a reprehensible piece of crap, but nobody deserves to be on the receiving end of some half-assed, cash-grab smear campaign like Kony 2012.

Oh, and I'd rather not share a planet with glassy-eyed, mass-murdering pinheads like Breivik either, just so you know.