Train Dodger

Y'know, I always thought the future was gonna be like Star Trek. Replicators and holodecks and all that shit. Somehow, my vision of a pristine, high-tech utopia just doesn't line up with the idea that I'm living on the same planet as a bunch of smelly, ignorant, hairy little primates that thump women on the head with

I'm not a fucking racist, anyhow. What a bunch of bullshit. I'm racist because I disagree with how a particular group of people thinks and acts? That's cute. You know, I thought NATO's "intervention" in Libya was a disgusting abuse of power. They aided the rebels, wiped out Qaddafi's forces with hundreds of expensive

In Soviet Russia...

Bad analogy. You implied I used a term that was specific instead of general, when it was just the opposite. The term Abrahamic Religion essentially means Judaism, Christianity and Islam. They're all part of the same lineage, sharing fairly close geographic origin points and cultural sources.

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You do realize that by standing up for Islam, you're taking sides with the kind of people who do things like this, right?

Yeah, but don't they have Ballistic Fists? Those are generally better than Power Fists anyway.

Well, that's a more plausible explanation in some ways, but the result is effectively the same. What once was Alcatraz, is now Prophet+Alcatraz.

Just formatted recently, ran TDSSKiller, found nothing of any import. Got Avast, so I should be alright. I'll run TDSSKiller again before the deadline hits, just to be on the safe side.

A bow in the hands of an augmented warrior is a weapon to be feared. You could give it a draw weight that no ordinary human could ever manage. Say, a thousand pounds or more.

The protagonist of Crysis 2 was wearing his nanosuit. Presumably, the suit's nanotech somehow reshaped him into the spitting image of Prophet. Because SCIENCE!

Her name is Olga. Olga. Did the robber seriously think that scenario would end well for him?

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It rubs the lotion on its skin, or else it gets the hose again.

She also took Terrifying Presence. You gotta watch out when she enters dialogue with you, because she could possibly get you to flee involuntarily without activating your attack AI, and then you're screwed.

Exactly. I mean, I'm sorry if I sound a bit candid about my beliefs, but there are few things in this world that make me quite so deeply nauseated as the stuff I've read about Islamic radicals; their actions, the things they preach. They make me physically-ill.

Do you know what a VBIED is? It's when you take a car, pack it to the brim with explosives, and set it off in a crowded area. A favored method of suicide attack employed by extremists and militias in this particular region of the globe. A typical motor vehicle can carry several hundred to a thousand pounds of payload

Same thing. Why bother with exercises in semantics when a single catch-all will suffice?

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On what grounds am I uneducated? Do you get a kick out of idly throwing labels around and seeing what sticks?

I find it appalling that people would accuse others of bigotry for singling out Islam.

What part of anything that I said was racist or xenophobic?

In nanotech terms, half a millimeter long is huge. Can they scale it down further than that? If so, they might have something.