Train Dodger

Already happening with advances in synthetic biology. That particular field of inquiry always creeps me out, though. I mean, what if they accidentally release something into the wild and we get mutated superbugs because of horizontal gene transfer? Barring Von Neumann-type designs, nanomachines can't just replicate

That's different. That's not the human body. That's a suit. Sure, it interacts with the wearer underneath, and sometimes in some rather unexpected ways. However, it's not inconceivable that one could perform such feats with the aid of an external power supply. Hell, you don't even need nanotechnology. Just a plain ol'

But... I like honeycombed hexagons!

There are a lot of engineering challenges involved with safely implementing nanotech (beyond simple, mostly-inert nanoparticles that release drugs) inside human bodies.

In an ideal world, your statements would indeed carry a ring of truth to them. Personally, I don't see much use for simple right-wing patriotic fervor either, especially not when it leads directly to the massacring of innocent people.

I can imagine many uses for a holodeck-level immersive VR/Augmented Reality simulation. Aside from the obvious - entertainment, in all shapes and sizes (yes, even the adult kind) - such technology would enable entirely new paradigms for society and the workplace.

1): Acts like spyware; checks what programs you have installed, passes this information on to EA.

I hate Origin with a passion. Even the name sounds provocative. I can almost picture some marketing dumbass saying something like "we'll call it Origin, because unlike Steam, it's where the games really come from, LOL!"

That... wow. Isn't that grounds for a BBB filing? Or a huge fucking lawsuit?

Drinking two gallons of anything a day is extremely bad for your health. Severe electrolyte imbalance, and then death.

What I find rather unfortunate about tablets and smartphones is that they are generally quite useless for creating content.

A lot of books that are classed as YA are basically indistinguishable from adult literature. The only difference is that the characters are quite a bit younger, therefore, the things they discuss are things that would be pertinent to the circumstances of an adolescent rather than an adult.

Now playing

Blah blah blah, recombinant virus, blah blah blah, necrotic tissue.

Now playing

The Landmaster. I wouldn't settle for anything less.

I still want a 680. That is, if I could actually buy one.

Once upon a time, I said something along the lines of "wouldn't it be neat if they made a Sonic game with guns?"